Merit Review of BER Activities at the DOE Laboratories
Research activities funded by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) within the Department of Energy (DOE) Laboratories are subject to merit review. The merit review procedures for research at the DOE Laboratories are parallel to the processes and procedures for the private sector. (See 10 CRF 605, which governs the Office of Science (SC) grant programs). BER funds research programs at the National Laboratories addressing specific Scientific Focus Areas (SFAs) within BER's science portfolio. A description of the SFA research program development and review processes are described in the BER document entitled "Managing BER Scientific Focus Area (SFA) Programs At the DOE National Laboratories."

Program Research Opportunity Announcements to National Laboratories

BER announces research opportunities on the Office of Science Grants web site. The site includes a description of the research activity and the required process and proposal format. Any additional merit review criteria are noted in the announcement. Such announcements are used for new opportunities as well as for ongoing research programs structured around individual investigators or teams of investigators.

Research Opportunities at BER Scientific User Facilities

Non-proprietary (i.e., open) research conducted at BER Scientific User Facilities is merit reviewed by the sponsor. If the activity is sponsored by BER the research will have been reviewed under 10 CRF 605, which governs the Office of Science (SC) grant program, or under the parallel process and procedure for the DOE Laboratories. Furthermore, the user facility performs an administrative review to ensure that the proposed activity is appropriate for the facility and meets safety, health, and environmental requirements.

Operations at BER Scientific User Facilities

Operations at BER Scientific User Facilities receive a wide range of reviews. As appropriate, user surveys, user committees, ad hoc expert panels, and administrative reviews are used to ensure that the facility enables "bleeding edge" science and meets safety, health, and environmental requirements.