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Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act with EGRPRA logo on left side



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We encourage you to identify outdated, unnecessary, or unduly burdensome regulatory requirements imposed on insured depository institutions.

We welcome all burden reduction comments and recommendations for improvements.

Regulations Open for Comment Now:  Please review the chart of regulations currently out for public comment now.

Specific issues for commenters to consider. Please review the list of issues that we are considering about every regulation, which may help you in making a comment. Please identify what regulation you are commenting about.

Privacy Statement: We will make your comments available to others through our public reading rooms, and possibly through this website, so be sure not to include information that you do not want shared.

menu item:About EGRPRA, sub menus under About EGRPRA Are: What is EGRPRA? Why Is EGRPRA Important? Why Should Bankers and Consumers Comment? The Law menu item:Comments and recommendations, sub menus under Comments and recommendations Are: Submit Comments & Recommendations Read Comments & Recommendations menu Item: Communications, sub menus under Communicatons Are: What We Are Doing To Reduce Burden Banker's Top Ten Issues - 2003 Press Releases Comments, Quotes and news Federal Register Notices menu item Outreach events, sub menus under Outreach events are: 2003 - 2004 Map menu item:About Agencies, sub menus under Agencies Are: FFIEC FDIC FRB OCC OTS NCUA