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HIV sequence database

Recombinant Identification Program: RIP 3.0

Purpose: RIP helps identify recombination in a query sequence by calculating its similarity to a background alignment of HIV-1 sequences of different subtypes in a sliding window.

Usage: Each RIP job requires two inputs from the user, a query sequence, and a background alignment. The total number of sequences is limited to 50. There are 3 options for providing the background alignment.

Window size and significance threshold are adjustable. Alignment gaps may be treated in four different ways. Multistate character codes (IUPAC) in your alignment can be scored as partial matches or as mismatches. When your analysis is complete you can create an illustration of the recombinant genome with our Recombinant HIV-1 Drawing Tool.

For additional details, see RIP Explanation.

Input Query
Upload your query sequence file
Or paste your query sequence
[Sample Input]
Or enter a GenBank Accession number.

Input Background
Use HIV database subtype consensus sequences as background
Include 01_AE consensus
Select custom background from subtype consensuses
and representative sequences
Use your own alignment as background
Upload your alignment here
Or paste your background here

Window size
Significance threshold

Gap handling Treat gaps as characters; Plot all window values
Treat gaps as characters; Don't plot window values for gaps in query.
Strip all gaps; Plot all window values
Strip all gaps; Plot blanks where gaps used to be.
Multistate characters match partially True

last modified: Fri Mar 14 11:39 2008

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