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Human Evolution (Historical)

Tracer Bullet 94-7


Sources useful in locating published material on the process of organic change or development by which human beings have acquired the distinguishing morphological and physiological characteristics that they have today. An update of TB 73-13, this guide is intended for those who wish to review published materials on human evolution in the Library of Congress. Not an exhaustive treatment of the subject, this Tracer Bullet, as the name of the series implies, is designed to put the reader "on target."



The path of evolution. In The Human dawn. By the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va., Time-Life Books, c1990. p. 16-37.
   GN281.H8473 1990 and Pamphlet box <SciRR>



Subject headings used by the Library of Congress, under which books on human evolution can be located in most card, book, and online catalogs, include the following:

Highly Relevant

   (May be subdivided geographically)
   See also individual fossil forms, e.g., "Australopithecines"; "Australopithecus afarensis"; "Boskop man"; "Cro-Magnon man"; "Homo erectus"; "Homo habilis"; "Java man"; "Neanderthals"; "Paranthropus"; "Peking man"; "Petralona man"; "Piltdown forgery;" "Rhodesian man"; "Solo man"; "Zinjanthropus".




   (May be subdivided geographically)
   (May be subdivided geographically)



More General

   See also subdivision "Evolution" under individual organs and regions of the body, e.g., "Brain--Evolution"; "Foot--Evolution"; "Hand--Evolution"; "Heart--Evolution"; "Lungs--Evolution"





Howells, W. W. Getting here: the story of human evolution. Washington, Compass Press, c1993. 261 p.
   GN281.H685 1993

Humankind emerging. Bernard G. Campbell. 6th ed. New York, HarperCollins, c1992. 568 p.
   Bibliography: p. 543-547.
   GN281.H85 1991
   "Adapted in part from materials published by Time-Life Books in two series: The Emergence of man and The Life nature library."
   A 7th ed. is in press.

Klein, Richard G. The human career: human biological and cultural origins. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, c1989. 524 p.
   Bibliography: p. 428-492.
   GN281.K55 1989

Lambert, David, and the Diagram Group. The field guide to early man. New York, Facts on File, c1987. 256 p.
   Bibliography: p. 3, 248.
   GN281.L34 1987 <SciRR>
   An illustrated introduction to the evolution of man, from the early hominids to the present day.

Leakey, Richard E. The origin of humankind. New York, BasicBooks, c1994. 171 p.
   Bibliography: p. 159-164.
   GN281.L39 1994

Lewin, Roger. Human evolution: an illustrated introduction. 3rd ed. Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1993. 208 p.
   Includes bibliographical references
   GN281.L489 1993 <SciRR>

Lewin, Roger. The origin of modern humans. New York, Scientific American Library; Distributed by W. H. Freeman, c1993. 204 p. (Scientific American Library series, no. 47)
   Bibliography: p. 188-192.
   GN281.L55 1993

Pfeiffer, John E. The emergence of humankind. 4th ed. New York, Harper & Row, c1985. 440 p.
   Bibliography: p. 409-430.
   GN281.P45 1985 <SciRR>
   Rev. ed. of The emergence of man, 3rd ed., c1978.

Poirier, Frank E. Understanding human evolution. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, c1993. 344 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN282.P65 1993 <SciRR>

Tattersall, Ian. The human odyssey: four million years of human evolution. New York, Prentice Hall General Reference, c1993. 191 p.
   Bibliography: p. 185-186.
   GN281.T36 1993
   "Based on the acclaimed Hall of Human Biology and Evolution at the American Museum of Natural History."



Birx, H. James. Human evolution. Springfield, Ill., C. C. Thomas, c1988. 358 p.
   Bibliography: p. 283-323.
   GN281.B58 1988

Brace, C. Loring. The stages of human evolution. 5th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, c1995. 371 p.
   Bibliography: p. 305-358.
   GN281.B67 1995

Campbell, Bernard Grant. Human evolution: an introduction to man's adaptations. 3rd ed. New York, Aldine Pub. Co., c1985. 477 p.
   Bibliography: p. 409-429.
   GN281.C35 1985 <SciRR>

Darwin, Charles. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. New York, New York University Press, 1989. 2 v. (The works of Charles Darwin, v. 21-22)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   QH365.A1 1987 v. 21-22

Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species. A facsim. of the 1st ed., with an introd. by Ernst Mayr. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1964. 502 p.
   Bibliography: p. 491-495.
   QH365.O2 1859a <SciRR>

The First humans: human origins and history to 10,000 BC. General editor, Göran Burenhult. San Francisco, HarperSanFranciso, c1993. 239 p. (The Illustrated history of humankind, v. 1) v. 1
   GN303.I4 1993

Haviland, William A. Human evolution and prehistory. 3rd ed. Fort Worth, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, c1994. 320 p. GN60.H34 1994
   Bibliography: p. 299-305.

The Human evolution source book. Edited by Russell L. Ciochon, John G. Fleagle. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, c1993. 675 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.H8475 1993

The Human revolution: behavioural and biological perspectives on the origins of modern humans. Paul Mellars and Chris Stringer, editors. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, c1989. 800 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.H849 1989

Origins of anatomically modern humans. Edited by Matthew H. Nitecki and Doris V. Nitecki. New York, Plenum Press, c1994. 341 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.O74617 1994

The Origins of modern humans: a world survey of the fossil evidence. Editors, Fred H. Smith, Frank Spencer. New York, A. R. Liss, c1984. 590 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.O75 1984

Poirier, Frank E. Fossil evidence: the human evolutionary journey. 3d ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1981. 428 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.P64 1981

Wolpoff, Milford H. Paleoanthropology. New York, Knopf; Distributed by Random House, c1980. 379 p.
   Bibliography: p. 359-366.
   GN281.W6416 1980 <SciRR>




Evolution of the eye and visual system. Edited by John R. Cronly-Dillon and Richard L. Gregory. Boca Raton, CRC Press, 1991. 493 p. (Vision and visual dysfunction, v. 2)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   QP474.V44 1991 v. 2

Falk, Dean. Braindance. New York, H. Holt, 1992. 260 p.
   Bibliography: p. 221-247.
   GN283.F35 1992

Lewis, O. J. Functional morphology of the evolving hand and foot. Oxford, Eng., Clarendon Press; New York, Oxford University Press, 1989. 359 p.
   Bibliography: p. 335-354.
   QL950.7.L48 1989

Napier, John Russell. Hands. Revised by Russell H. Tuttle. Rev. ed. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, c1993. 180 p.
   Bibliography: p. 159-167.
   QM548.N35 1993

Sarnat, Harvey B., and Martin G. Netsky. Evolution of the nervous system. 2nd ed. New York, Oxford University Press, 1981. 504 p.
   Bibliography: p. 413-490.
   QM451.S25 1981

Tobias, Phillip V. The brain in hominid evolution. New York, Columbia University Press, 1971. 170 p. (James Arthur lectures on the evolution of the human brain, 1969)
   Bibliography: p. 153-164.

Food Habits

Food and evolution: toward a theory of human food habits. Edited by Marvin Harris and Eric B. Ross. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1987. 633 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN407.F65 1987
   Papers originally presented at the 94th Symposium of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Cedar Key, Fla., October 23-30, 1983.

Food, nutrition, and evolution: food as an environmental factor in the genesis of human variability. Edited by Dwain N. Walcher, Norman Kretchmer. New York, Masson Pub. USA, c1981. 234 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   Papers presented at the 5th international congress of the International Organization for the Study of Human Development held May 1980 in Campione, Italy.

Omnivorous primates: gathering and hunting in human evolution. Edited by Robert S. O. Harding and Geza Teleki. New York, Columbia University Press, 1981. 673 p.
   Bibliography: p. 595-667

Fossil Forms

Evolutionary history of the "robust" australopithecines. Frederick E. Grine, editor. New York, A. de Gruyter, 1988. 527 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN283.E93 1988
   Papers presented at an international workshop held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook on Mar. 27-31, 1987.

Johanson, Donald C., and Maitland Armstrong Edey. Lucy, the beginnings of humankind. New York, Simon and Schuster, c1981. 409 p.
   Bibliography: p. 385-389.

The Nariokotome Homo erectus skeleton. Edited by Alan Walker and Richard Leakey. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1993. 457 p.
   Bibliography: p. 435-448.
   GN284.N37 1993
   Includes two folded maps in pocket.

Olduvai Gorge, 1951-1961. Cambridge, Eng., Cambridge University Press, 1965- v. 1-5 in 6.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   Beginning with vol. 2 published under title Olduvai Gorge.
   Incomplete contents: v. 1. A preliminary report on the geology and fauna, by L. S. B. Leakey.--v. 2. The cranium and maxillary dentition of Australopithecus (Zinjanthropus) boisei, by P. V. Tobias.--v. 3. Excavations in beds I and II, 1960-1963, by M. D. Leakey.--v. 4. The skulls, endocasts, and teeth of Homo Habilis, by P. V. Tobias.--v. 5. Excavations in beds III, IV, and the Masek beds, 1968-1971, by M. D. Leakey with D. A. Roe

Rak, Yoel. The Australopithecine face. New York, Academic Press, 1983. 169 p.
   Bibliography: p. 159-165.
   GN283.R34 1983

Rightmire, G. Philip. The evolution of Homo Erectus: comparative anatomical studies of an extinct human species. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 1990. 260 p.
   Bibliography: p. 239-250.
   GN284.R54 1990

Spencer, Frank. Piltdown: a scientific forgery. London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1990. 272 p.
   Bibliography: p. 243-257.
   GN282.5.S63 1990
   "Based on research by Ian Langham (1942-1984)."

Stringer, Chris, and Clive Gamble. In search of the Neanderthals: solving the puzzle of human origins. New York, Thames and Hudson, 1993. 247 p.
   Bibliography: p. 233-241.
   GN285.S77 1993

Trinkaus, Erik. The Shanidar Neandertals. New York, Academic Press, 1983. 502 p.
   Bibliography: p. 473-498.
   GN285.T74 1983


Birx, H. James. Theories of evolution. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, c1984. 417 p.
   Bibliography: p. 358-382.
   GN281.B59 1984 <SciRR>

Bowler, Peter J. Evolution: the history of an idea. Rev. ed. Berkeley, University of California Press, c1989. 432 p.
   Bibliography: p. 365-422.
   QH361.B69 1989

Bowler, Peter J. Theories of human evolution: a century of debate, 1844-1944. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, c1986. 318 p.
   Bibliography: p. 279-308.
   GN281.B65 1986 <SciRR>

Brown, Michael Harold. The search for Eve. New York, Harper & Row, c1990. 357 p.
   Bibliography: p. 319-348.
   GN281.4.B76 1990

Howells, W. W. Ideas on human evolution, selected essays, 1949-1961. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1962. 555 p.
   Bibliography: p. 533-555.

Leakey, L. S. B., and Vanne Morris Goodall. Unveiling man's origins; ten decades of thought about human evolution. Cambridge, Mass., Schenkman Pub. Co., 1969. 220 p.

Lewin, Roger. Bones of contention: controversies in the search for human origins. New York, Simon and Schuster, c1987. 348 p.
   Bibliography: p. 321-338.
   GN281.L487 1987

McCown, Theodore Doney, and Kenneth A. R. Kennedy, comps. Climbing man's family tree: a collection of major writings on human phylogeny, 1699 to 1971. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1972. 485 p.
   Bibliography: p. 465-485.

Reader, John. Missing links: the hunt for earliest man. 2nd ed. London, Penguin Books; New York, Viking Penguin, 1988. 270 p.
   Bibliography: p. 236-258.
   GN282.R42 1988

Trinkaus, Erik, and Pat Shipman. The Neandertals: changing the image of mankind. New York, Knopf, 1993. 454 p.
   Bibliography: p. 421-438.
   GN285.T73 1993

Wendt, Herbert. From ape to Adam; the search for the ancestry of man. London, Thames & Hudson, 1972. 287 p.
   Bibliography: p. 278-279.
   GN281.W4513 <SciRR>
   Translation of Der Affe steht auf.

Language and Culture

Hominid culture in primate perspective. Duane Quiatt and Junichiro Itani, editors. Niwot, Colo., University Press of Colorado, c1994. 391 p.
   Bibliography: p. 341-380.
   QL737.P9H765 1994

Language origin: a multidisciplinary approach. Edited by Jan Wind and others. Dordrecht, Boston, Kluwer Academic, 1991. 557 p. (NATO ASI series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences, no. 61)
   P116.L28 1991
   "Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Language Origin: a Multidisciplinary Approach, Cortona, Italy, 8-22 July 1988."
   "Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division."
   Includes bibliographical references.

Lieberman, Philip. The biology and evolution of language. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1984. 379 p.
   Bibliography: p. 337-363.
   P132.L53 1984

Lieberman, Philip. Uniquely human: the evolution of speech, thought, and selfless behavior. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1991. 210 p.
   Bibliography: p. 183-202.
   GN281.4.L54 1991

Psychology and Behavior

The Adapted mind: evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture. Edited by Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides, John Tooby. New York, Oxford University Press, 1992. 666 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   BF711.A33 1992

Machiavellian intelligence: social expertise and the evolution of intellect in monkeys, apes, and humans. Edited by Richard W. Byrne and Andrew Whiten. Oxford, Clarendon Press; New York, Oxford University Press, 1988. 413 p.
   Bibliography: p. 379-410.
   QL737.P9M273 1988

The Origins of human behaviour. Edited by R. A. Foley. London, Boston, Unwin Hyman, 1991. 119 p. (One world archaeology, 19)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.4.O75 1991

Ridley, Matt. The Red Queen: sex and the evolution of human nature. New York, Macmillan Pub. Co.; Toronto, Maxwell Macmillan Canada; New York, Maxwell Macmillan International, 1994. 405 p.    Bibliography: p. 369-393.
   GN365.9.R53 1994

Russell, Robert Jay. The lemurs' legacy: the evolution of power, sex, and love. New York, Putnam, c1993. 274 p.
   Bibliography: p. 241-264.
   GN281.R88 1993

Understanding behavior: what primate studies tell us about human behavior. Edited by James D. Loy and Calvin B. Peters. New York, Oxford University Press, 1991. 264 p.
   Bibliography: p. 256-258.
   BF671.U53 1991

Religious Aspects and Creationism

Berra, Tim M. Evolution and the myth of creationism: a basic guide to the facts in the evolution debate. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, c1990. 198 p.
   Bibliography: p. 179-187.
   QH371.B47 1990

Custance, Arthur C. Genesis and early man. Grand Rapids, Zondervan Pub. House, 1975. 331 p. (His The doorway papers, v. 2)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   BS543.A1C87 v. 2

Eichman, Phillip. Understanding evolution: a Christian perspective. Nashville, Tenn., Trinity Press; South Bend, Ind., Obtained from J. Clayton, c1984. 110 p.
   Bibliography: p. 107-110.
   BT712.E33 1984

Klotz, John W. Studies in creation: a general introduction to the creation/evolution debate. St. Louis, Concordia Pub. House, c1985. 216 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   BS651.K58 1985

Lubenow, Marvin L. Bones of contention: a creationist assessment of human fossils. Grand Rapids, Mich., Baker Book House, c1992. 295 p.
   Bibliography: p. 267-286.
   GN282.5.L82 1992

Scientists confront creationism. Edited by Laurie R. Godfrey. New York, W. W. Norton, c1983. 324 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   BS652.S34 1983

Strahler, Arthur Newell. Science and earth history: the evolution/creation controversy. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books, 1987. 522 p.
   Bibliography: p. 529-537.
   BS652.S77 1987 <SciRR>
   See especially Part VIII, "The Rise of Man and Emergence of the Human Mind," p. 473-509.

Voices for evolution. Edited by Betty McCollister. Berkeley, Calif., National Center for Science Education, c1989. 141 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   QH371.V65 1989
   A compilation of statements on evolution and creationism by various scientific, religious, and educational organizations



Angela, Piero, and Alberto Angela. The extraordinary story of human origins. Translated from the Italian by Gabriele Tonne. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books, 1993. 328 p.
   Bibliography: p. 325-328.
   GN281.A6313 1993
   Translation of Straodinaria storia dell'uomo.

Bilsborough, Alan. Human evolution. London, New York, Blackie Academic & Professional, 1992. 258 p.
   Bibliography: p. 235-250.
   GN281.B55 1992

Conroy, Glenn C. Primate evolution. New York, Norton, c1990. 492 p.
   Bibliography: p. 404-438.
   QL737.P9C66 1990

Diamond, Jared M. The third chimpanzee: the evolution and future of the human animal. New York, HarperCollins, c1992. 407 p.
   Bibliography: p. 371-391.
   GN281.D53 1992

The Emergence of modern humans: an archaeological perspective. Edited by Paul Mellars. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press, 1990. 555 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.E474 1990

Fagan, Brian M. The journey from Eden: the peopling of our world. New York, Thames and Hudson, 1990. 256 p.
   Bibliography: p. 239-247.
   GN370.F34 1990

Fagan, Brian M. World prehistory: a brief introduction. 2nd ed. New York, Harper Collins College Publisher, c1993. 284 p.
   Bibliography: p. 264-272.
   GN740.F34 1993

Feder, Kenneth L., and Michael Alan Park. Human antiquity: an introduction to physical anthropology and archaeology. 2nd ed. Mountain View, Calif., Mayfield Pub. Co., c1993. 496 p.
   Bibliography: p. 470-483.
   GN60.F43 1993

Fix, William R. The bone peddlers: selling evolution. New York, Macmillan, c1984. 337 p.
   Bibliography: p. 321-329.
   GN281.F58 1984

Foley, Robert. Another unique species: patterns in human evolutionary ecology. Harlow, Eng., Longman Scientific & Technical; New York, Wiley, 1987. 313 p.
   Bibliography: p. 275-302.
   GN281.F64 1987

Human biology: an introduction to human evolution, variation, growth, and adaptability. G. A. Harrison and others. 3rd ed. Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press, 1988. 568 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN60.H83 1988

Jurmain, Robert, and Harry Nelson. Introduction to physical anthropology. 6th ed. Minneapolis, West, c1994. 547 p.
   Bibliography: p. 519-530.
   GN60.N44 1994
   Nelson's name appears first on the 5th ed.

Koobi Fora research project. Oxford, Eng., Clarendon Press; New York, Oxford University Press, 1978- v. 1-4. (Koobi Fora, researches into geology, palaeontology, and human origins, v. 1) (The International Louis Leakey Memorial Institute for African Prehistory series, monograph no. 1)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   Partial contents: v. 1. The fossil hominids and an introduction to their context, 1968-74, edited by Meave G. Leakey and Richard E. Leakey--v. 4. Hominid cranial remains, by Bernard Wood.

Leakey, Richard E., and Roger Lewin. Origins reconsidered: in search of what makes us human. New York, Doubleday, 1992. 375 p.
   GN31.2.L4 1992

Molnar, Stephen. Human variation: races, types, and ethnic groups. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., c1992. 354 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN62.8.M63 1992

The Origin and evolution of humans and humanness. Edited by D. Tab Rasmussen. Boston, Jones and Bartlett, c1993. 146 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.O736 1993
   "A contribution of the IGPP Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life (CSEOL), University of California, Los Angeles."
   "The Irving Stone Memorial Symposium on & #145;The Origin and Evolution of Humans and Humanness' was held at the University of California, Los Angeles on March 13, 1992."

Oxnard, Charles E. Fossils, teeth, and sex: new perspectives on human evolution. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1987. 281 p.
   Bibliography: p. 261-274.
   GN282.O96 1987

Palaeoanthropology and palaeolithic archaeology in the People's Republic of China = [Chung-kuo ku jen lei hsüeh yü chiu shih ch'i shih tai k'ao ku hsüeh]. Edited by Wu Rukang, John W. Olsen. Orlando, Academic Press, 1985. 293 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN772.32.C6P35 1985

Primate evolution and human origins. Selected by Russell L. Ciochon, John G. Fleagle. Menlo Park, Calif., Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., c1985. 396 p.
   Bibliography: p. 364-396.
   QL737.P9P67249 1985

Relethford, John. The human species: an introduction to biological anthropology. 2nd ed. Mountain View, Calif., Mayfield Pub. Co., c1994. 575 p.
   Bibliography: p. 543-555.
   GN60.R39 1993

Staski, Edward, and Jonathan B. Marks. Evolutionary anthropology: an introduction to physical anthropology and archaeology. Fort Worth, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, c1992. 683, 26 p.
   Bibliography: p. 5-13 (second group).
   GN50.8.S72 1991

Stein, Philip L., and Bruce M. Rowe. Physical anthropology. 5th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, c1993. 1 v. (various pagings).
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN60.S72 1993

Understanding physical anthropology and archeology. William A. Turnbaugh and others. 5th ed. Minneapolis/St. Paul, West Pub. Co., c1993. 581 p.
   Bibliography: p. 559-571.
   GN60.J84 1993
   Rev. ed. of Understanding physical anthropology and archaeology. Robert Jurmain, Harry Nelson, William A. Turnbaugh, 4th ed., c1990.

Weiss, Mark L., and Alan E. Mann. Human biology and behavior: an anthropological perspective. 5th ed. Glenview, Ill., Scott, Foresman, c1990. 678 p.
   Bibliography: p. 613-633.
   GN60.W44 1990

Wills, Christopher. The runaway brain: the evolution of human uniqueness. New York, Basic Books, c1993. 358 p.
   Bibliography: p. 313-329.
   QP376.W56 1993



Day, Michael H. Guide to fossil man. 4th ed., completely rev. and enl. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1986. 432 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN282.D39 1986 <SciRR>

Oakley, Kenneth Page, Bernard Grant Campbell, and Theya Ivitsky Molleson. Catalogue of fossil hominids. pt. 1. Africa. 2nd ed. London, British Museum (Natural History), 1977. 223 p. (Publication (British Museum (Natural History)), no. 661)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN282.O18 1977
   The 1st ed. of the Catalogue (London, British Museum (Natural History), 1967-75. 3 v. GN710.O18) consists of 3 pts.: pt. 1, Africa; pt. 2, Europe; and pt. 3, Americas, Asia, Australia.

Phenice, T. W., and Norman J. Sauer. Hominid fossils: an illustrated key. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa, W. C. Brown Co., c1977. 169 p.
   Bibliography: p. 159-169.
   GN282.P45 1977

Protsch, Reiner R. R. Catalog of fossil hominids of North America. New York, G. Fischer, 1978. 86 p.
   Includes bibliographical references




Ecker, Ronald L. Dictionary of science & creationism. Buffalo, N.Y., Prometheus Books, c1990. 263 p.
   Bibliography: p. 211-233.
   Q123.E254 1990 <SciRR Dict>

Lincoln, Roger J., Geoffrey Allan Boxshall, and P. F. Clark. A dictionary of ecology, evolution, and systematics. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 1982. 298 p.
   QH540.4.L56 1982 <SciRR Dict>

Pearson, Roger. Anthropological glossary. Malabar, Fla., R. E. Krieger Pub. Co., 1985. 282 p.
   GN11.P43 1985 <MRR>

Stevenson, Joan C. Dictionary of concepts in physical anthropology. New York, Greenwood Press, 1991. 432 p. (Reference sources for the social sciences and humanities, no. 10)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN50.3.S74 1991 <MRR> <SciRR Dict>

Winick, Charles. Dictionary of anthropology. New York, Philosophical Library, 1956. 579 p.
   GN11.W5 <MRR>


The Cambridge encyclopedia of human evolution. Edited by Steve Jones, Robert Martin, and David Pilbeam. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 1992. 506 p.
   Bibliography: p. 473-486.
   GN281.C345 1992 <MRR> <SciRR>

Encyclopedia of human evolution and prehistory. Edited by Ian Tattersall, Eric Delson and John Van Couvering. New York, Garland Publishing, c1988. 603 p. (Garland reference library of the humanities, v. 768)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.E53 1988 <SciRR>

Grzimek's encyclopedia of evolution. Editor-in-chief, Bernhard Grzimek. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., c1976. 560 p.
   QE711.2.G79 <SciRR>

Milner, Richard. The encyclopedia of evolution: humanity's search for its origins. New York, Facts on File, c1990. 481 p.
   GN281.M53 1990



Ancestors, the hard evidence: proceedings of the symposium held at the American Museum of Natural History April 6-10, 1984 to mark the opening of the exhibition "Ancestors, four million years of humanity." Editor, Eric Delson. New York, A. R. Liss, 1985. 366 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN282.A53 1985

Cultural beginnings: approaches to understanding early hominid life-ways in the African savanna. J. Desmond Clark, (ed.). Bonn, R. Habelt, 1991. 208 p. (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. Forschungstinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte. Monographien, Bd. 19)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN770.4.A35C84 1991

The Emergence of modern humans: biocultural adaptations in the later Pleistocene. Edited by Erik Trinkaus. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 1989. 285 p.
   Bibliography: p. 232-276.
   GN281.E475 1989
   Papers from a seminar held April 21-25, 1986 at the School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Evolution of life: fossils, molecules, and culture. S. Osawa, T. Honjo, (eds.). Tokyo, New York, Springer-Verlag, c1991. 460 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   QH325.E964 1991

The Evolution of human behavior: primate models. Warren G. Kinzey, editor. Albany, State University of New York Press, c1987. 299 p.
   Bibliography: p. 239-287.
   QL737.P9E96 1987
   Papers presented at a symposium in Chicago at the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Nov. 19, 1983, sponsored by the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.

Major topics in primate and human evolution. Edited by Bernard Wood, Lawrence Martin, Peter Andrews. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 1986. 364 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.M335 1986

NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Evolutionary Biology of Intelligence (1986: Poppi, Italy). Intelligence and evolutionary biology. Edited by Harry J. Jerison and Irene Jerison. Berlin, New York, Springer-Verlag, c1988. 481 p. (NATO ASI series. Series G, Ecological sciences, v. 17)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   QL785.N39 1986
   "Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Evolutionary Biology of Intelligence, held at Poppi, Italy, July 8-19, 1986."

The Origin of modern humans and the impact of chronometric dating: a discussion. Organized and edited by M. J. Aiken, C. B. Stringer, and P. A. Mellars. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, c1993. 248 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN286.O75 1993
   Originally published: London, Royal Society, 1992.
   Discussion held Feb. 26-27, 1992.

Primate life history and evolution. Editor, C. Jean DeRousseau. New York, Wiley-Liss, c1990. 366 p. (Monographs in primatology, v. 14)
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.P74 1990
   Grew out of a conference sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological
   Research, and held in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, in Oct. 1987.

Taung Diamond Jubilee International Symposium (1985: Johannesburg and Mmabatho, South Africa). Hominid evolution: past, present, and future: proceedings of the Taung Diamond Jubilee International Symposium, Johannesburg and Mmabatho, Southern Africa, 27th January-4th February 1985. Edited by Phillip V. Tobias with the assistance of Valerie Strong and Heather White. New York, A. R. Liss, c1985. 499 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.T38 1985

Tools, language, and cognition in human evolution. Edited by Kathleen R. Gibson and Tim Ingold. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 1993. 483 p.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   GN281.4.T66 1993
   Revised versions of papers from "... an interdisciplinary symposium, & #145;Tools, language, and intelligence: evolutionary implications,' held in Cascais, Portugal, March 15-24, 1990."



Dissertations and theses can be located by using the following bibliographies, indexes, and CD-ROM, all located in the Library's Main Reading Room:

Dissertation Abstracts International (1938-)
   Z5053.D57 <MRR> and CD-ROM <MRR>

McDonald, David R. Masters' theses in anthropology: a bibliography of theses from United States colleges and universities. New Haven, HRAF Press, 1977. 453 p.
   Z5111.M26 <MRR>



Cardinal, John K. A taxonomic reappraisal of Neandertal man.
   UMI Microfiche AA9007766 <MicRR>
   Collation of the original: 172 p.
   Thesis (doctoral)--Washington State University, 1989.
   Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 50/10A, Apr. 1990: 3279.

Caspari, Rachel Elizabeth. The evolution of the posterior cranial vault in the central European Upper Pleistocene (Neandertal).
   UMI Microfiche AA9123988 <MicRR>
   Collation of the original: 286 p.
   Thesis (doctoral)--The University of Michigan, 1991.
   Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 52/03A, Sept. 1991: 982.

Dean, David. The Middle Pleistocene Homo erectus/Homo sapiens transition: new evidence from space curve statistics (ridge curve).
   UMI Microfiche AA9315457 <MicRR>
   Collation of the original: 257 p.
   Thesis (doctoral)--City University of New York, 1993.
   Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 54/01A, July 1993: 229.

Kimbel, William Howard. Calvarial morphology of Australopithecus afarensis: a comparative phylogenetic study (Hominidae, paleoanthropology).
   UMI Microfiche AA8628940 <MicRR>
   Collation of the original: 460 p.
   Thesis (doctoral)--Kent State University, 1986.
   Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 47/09A, Mar. 1987: 3471.

Waddle, Diane Marie. The evolution of modern humans: testing models of modern human origins using matrix correlation methods.
   UMI Microfiche AAC9406859 <MicRR>
   Collation of the original: 235 p.
   Thesis (doctoral)--State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1993.
   Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 54/10A, Apr. 1994: 3797.



Integrative paths to the past: paleoanthropological advances in honor of F. Clark Howell. Edited by Robert S. Corruccini, Russell L. Ciochon. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, c1994. 716 p.
   Includes bibliographical references
   GN281.C597 1994. /p>

Milestones in human evolution. Edited by Alan J. Almquist, Anne Manyak. Prospect Heights, Ill., Waveland Press, c1993. 273 p.
   Bibliography: p. 243-273.
   GN281.M528 1993



Bibliography of fossil vertebrates. 1928-1977. Compiled by Charles Lewis Camp and others. New York, Geological Society of America.
   Z6033.P2B48 <SciRR>
   Continued by Bibliography of fossil vertebrates, published by the American Geological Institute and the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Bibliography of fossil vertebrates. 1978- Edited and indexed by Judith A. Bacskai and George V. Shkurkin, under the general supervision of Joseph T. Gregory. Falls Church, Va., American Geological Institute and the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. annual.
   Z6033.V45B53 <SciRR>
   Continues Bibliography of fossil vertebrates, published by the Geological Society of America.

Caton, Hiram. The bibliography of human behavior. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1993. 575 p. (Bibliographies and indexes in anthropology, no. 7)
   Z7201.C37 1993
   See especially Chapter 1, "Human Evolution," p. 1-28.

Cross, Margaret W., and Vincent J. Maglio. A bibliography of the fossil mammals of Africa, 1950-1972. Princeton, N.J., Dept. of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Princeton University, c1975. 291 p.
   An extension of An annotated bibliography of the fossil mammals of Africa, 1742-1950 by A. T. Hopwood and J. P. Hollyfield.

Edinger, Tilly. Paleoneurology 1804-1966: an annotated bibliography. Berlin, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1975. 258 p. (Advances in anatomy, embryology, and cell biology, v. 49)
   QL801.E67 v. 49
   See especially: Appendix: Hominidae Catalogue, p. 183-234.

Hopwood, Arthur Tindell, and June Pamela Hollyfield. An annotated bibliography of the fossil mammals of Africa (1742-1950). London, Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1954. 194 p. (British Museum (Natural History). Fossil mammals of Africa, no. 8)
   QE881.B76 no. 8

Ìscan, M. Yasar. A topical guide to the American journal of physical anthropology, volumes 22-53 (1964-1980). New York, A. R. Liss, c1983. 219 p.
   GN1.A55 1983 Suppl.

Levine, Morton H. A topical guide to volumes 1-21 (new series) of the American journal of physical anthropology. Philadelphia, Wistar Institute Press, 1971. 132 p.
   GN1.A55 1-21 Topical Guide

McIver, Tom. Anti-evolution: an annotated bibliography. Jefferson, N.C., McFarland, c1988. 385 p.
   Z5322.E9M38 1988 <MRR> <SciRR>

Spencer, Frank. Ecce homo: an annotated bibliographic history of physical anthropology. New York, Greenwood Press, 1986. 495 p. (Bibliographies and indexes in anthropology, no. 2)
   Z5118.S7S64 1986 <MRR>



Abstracting and Indexing Services that index relevant journal articles and other literature on human evolution are listed below. Some suggested terms for searching are given as aids in searching. Note: For location of abstracting and indexing services, consult the Science Reference Librarian.

Abstracts in Anthropology (1970- )
   GN1.A15 <MRR> <N&CPR>
   See: Physical Anthropology--Fossil Record and Evolution

Applied Science & Technology Index (1913- )
   Z7913.I7 <MRR> <N&CPR> <SciRR A&I> and Computer Format
   See: Evolution
   Man--Origin and Antiquity
   Man, Prehistoric
   Neanderthal Race
   Primates, Fossil

Bibliography and Index of Geology (1933- )
   Z6031.G4 <SciRR A&I> and CD-ROM <SciRR>
   See: Fossil Man
   Mammalia--Biologic Evolution
   Mammalia--Homo sapiens

General Science Index (1978- )
   Z7401.G46 <MRR> <N&CPR> <SciRR A&I> and FirstSearch
   See: Behavioral Evolution--Man
   Man--Origin and Antiquity
   Man, Prehistoric

Index Medicus (1960- )
   Z6660.I422 <SciRR A&I> and Computer Format
   See: Evolution

Magazine Index
   Computer Format
   See: Anthropology, Prehistoric
   Apes, Fossil
   Australopithecus afarensis
   Cro-Magnon Man
   Fossil Man
   Human Evolution
   Man, Prehistoric
   Origin of Species
   Pithecanthropus erectus
   Physical Anthropology
   Primates, Fossil

Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature (1900- )
   AI3.R48 <B&E> <MRR> <N&CPR> and CD-ROM <N&CPR>
   See: Evolution
   Man, Prehistoric

Social Sciences Index (1974-)
   AI3.S62 <B&E> <MRR> <N&CPR> and Computer Format
   See: Australopithecines
   Human Evolution
   Man, Prehistoric
   Neanderthal Man
   Pithecanthropus erectus

Zoological Record (1864- ) Z7991.Z87 <SciRR A&I>
   See: Section 19: Mammalia: Genetics--Evolution in the Subject Index
   Section 19: Mammalia: Class Mammalia--Order Primates--Hominidae in the Systematic Index

Other indexes, listed here, should be used for an exhaustive search. Only a limited return can be expected for the time spent.

Anthropological Index to Current Periodicals in the Museum of Mankind Library (Incorporating the former Royal Anthropological Institute Library) (1962- )
   Z5111.R67 <MRR>

Anthropological Literature (1989- )
    Z5112.A573 <MRR>

Biological Abstracts (1926- )
   QH301.B37 <SciRR A&I>

Biological Abstracts/RRM (1967- )
   Z5321.B672 <SciRR A&I>

Biological & Agricultural Index (1916- )
   Z5073.A46 <MRR> <N&CPR> <SciRR A&I> and Computer Format

Biology Digest (1974- )
   QH301.B44 <SciRR A&I>

Geological Abstracts (1989- )
   QE1.G1345 <SciRR A&I>

Humanities Index (1975 -)
   AI3.H85 <MRR> <N&CPR> and Computer Format

Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews. Series A: Human and Experimental (1977- )
   QP141.A1N86 <SciRR A&I>

Psychological Abstracts (1927- )
   BF1.P65 <MRR> <SciRR A&I> and CD-ROM <MRR> <N&CPR> <SciRR>

Science Citation Index (1945- )
   Z7401.S365 <SciRR A&I>and CD-ROM <SciRR>

Social Sciences Citation Index (1956- )
   Z7161.S65 <B&E> <MRR> and CD-ROM <MRR>



Journals that often contain relevant articles to human evolution include the following:

American Anthropologist
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Discover Q1.D57
Journal of Human Evolution GN281.J63
Journal of Molecular Evolution QH366.A1J68
Molecular Biology and Evolution QH506.M6617
Natural History QH1.N13
Nature Q1.N2
New Scientist Q1.N52
Science News Q1.S76
Scientific American T1.S5



Allen, Beverly Steele, and Harry Ostrer. Conservation of human Y chromosome sequences among male great apes: implications for the evolution of Y chromosomes. Journal of molecular evolution, v. 39, July 1994: 13-21.

Bower, B. Asian hominids make a much earlier entrance. Science news, v. 145, Mar. 5, 1994: 150.

Contemporary issues forum: a current controversy in human evolution. American anthropologist, v. 95, Mar. 1993: 9-96.
   A series of articles on the origin of anatomically modern humans.

Diamond, Jared. Best size and number of human body parts. Natural history, v. 103, June 1994: 78-81.

Fischman, Joshua. Putting a new spin on the birth of human birth. Science, v. 264, May 20, 1994: 1082-1083.

Fischman, Joshua. Putting our oldest ancestors in their proper place. Science, v. 265, Sept. 30, 1994: 2011-2012.

Games, Marcelo. The walking way. Omni, v. 15, Jan. 1993: 35-36, 38, 87.

Gibbons, Ann. Mitochondrial Eve refuses to die. Science, v. 259,
   Feb. 26, 1993: 1249-1250. Q1.S35

Gibbons, Ann. Pleistocene population explosions. Science, v. 262, Oct. 1, 1993: 27-28.

Gibson, Kathleen. Tools, language and intelligence: evolutionary implications.
   Man, v. 26, June 1991: 255-264. GN1.M252

Heinrich, R. E., M. D. Rose, R. E. Leakey, and A. C. Walker. Hominid radius from the middle Pliocene of Lake Turkana, Kenya. American journal of physical anthropology, v. 92, Oct. 1993: 139-148.

Horai, Satoshi, and others. Man's place in hominoidea revealed by mitochondrial DNA genealogy. Journal of molecular evolution, v. 35, July 1992: 32-43. Erratum. v. 37, July 1993: 89.

How did humans get that way? Natural history, v. 102, Apr. 1993: 57-72; v. 102, May: 47-67.
   A special series of articles in conjunction with the opening of the Hall of Human Biology and Evolution at the American Museum of Natural History.

Hunt, Kevin D. The evolution of human bipedality: ecology and functional morphology. Journal of human evolution, v. 26, Mar. 1994: 183-202.

An Ice Age nudge for human evolution in Africa? Science, v. 263, Jan. 14, 1994: 173-174.

Klein, Jan, Naoyuki Takahata, and Francisco J. Ayala. MHC polymorphism and human origins. Scientific American, v. 269, Dec. 1993: 78-83.

Kramer, Andrew. A critical analysis of claims for the existence of Southeast Asian australopithecines. Journal of human evolution, v. 26, Jan. 1994: 3-21.

Lahr, Marta Mirazon. The Multiregional Model of modern human origins: a reassessment of its morphological basis. Journal of human evolution, v. 26, Jan. 1994: 23-56.

Lemonick, Michael D. One less missing link. Time, v. 144, Oct. 3, 1994: 68-69.

Lewin, Roger. Africa: cradle of modern humans. Science, v. 237, Sept. 11, 1987: 1292-1295.

Lewin, Roger. Human origins: the challenge of Java's skulls. New scientist, v. 142, May 7, 1994: 36-40.

Lieberman, Daniel E., and John J. Shea. Behavioral differences between archaic and modern humans in the Levantine Mousterian. American anthropologist, v. 96, June 1994: 300-332.

Lieberman, Philip, and others. The anatomy, physiology, acoustics and perception of speech: essential elements in analysis of the evolution of human speech. Journal of human evolution, v. 23, Dec. 1992: 447-467.

Maslin, Mark. Rift where humans began. New scientist, v. 142, June 4, 1994: 24-27.

Mitchison, Avrion. Will we survive? As host and pathogen evolve together, will the immune system retain the upper hand? Scientific American, v. 269, Sept. 1993: 136-144.

Roberts, M. B., C. B. Stringer, and S. A. Parfitt. A hominid tibia from Middle Pleistocene sediments at Boxgrove, UK. Nature, v. 369, May 26, 1994: 311-313. Erratum. v. 370, July 21, 1994, p. 229.

Rogers, Jeffrey. The phylogenetic relationships among Homo, Pan and Gorilla: a population genetics perspective. Journal of human evolution, v. 25, Sept. 1993: 201-215.

Schepartz, L. A. Language and modern human origins. Yearbook of physical anthropology, v. 36, 1993: 91-126.

Shipman, Pat. On the origin of races. New scientist, v. 137, Jan. 16, 1993: 34-37.

Spoor, Fred, Bernard Wood, and Frans Zonneveld. Implications of early hominid labyrinthine morphology for evolution of human bipedal locomotion. Nature, v. 369, June 23, 1994: 645-648.

Susman, Randall L. Fossil evidence for early hominid tool use. Science, v. 265, Sept. 9, 1994: 1570-1573.

Swisher, C. C., III, and others. Age of the earliest known hominids in Java, Indonesia. Science, v. 263, Feb. 25, 1994: 1118-1121.

Chen, Tiemei, Quan Yang, and En Wu. Antiquity of Homo sapiens in China. Nature, v. 368, Mar. 3, 1994: 55-56.

Wood, Bernard. The oldest hominid yet. Nature, v. 371, Sept. 22, 1994: 280-281.



Selected materials available in the Science Reading Room pamphlet boxes include the following:

Armstrong, Sue. South Africa--the missing pieces. New scientist, v. 143, July 9, 1994: 32-36.

Begley, Sharon. Out of Africa, a missing link. Newsweek, v. 124, Oct. 3, 1994: 56-57.

Bower, Bruce. Talking back in time: prehistoric origins of language attract new data and debate. Science news, v. 145, June 11, 1994: 376-377.

Coppens, Yves. East side story: the origin of humankind. Scientific American, v. 270, May 1994: 88-95.

Kimbel, William H., Donald C. Johanson, and Yoel Rak. The first skull and other new discoveries of Australopithecus afarensis at Hadar, Ethiopia. Nature, v. 368, Mar. 31, 1994: 449-451.

Lemonick, Michael D. How man began. Time, v. 143, Mar. 14, 1994: 80-87.

McKie, Robin. The Noah's ark theory. Geographical magazine, v. 61, Mar. 1989: 16-20.

Milton, Katherine. Diet and primate evolution. Scientific American, v. 269, Aug. 1993: 86-93.

Nesse, Randolph M., and George Williams. Nothing to sneeze at: often treated as mere annoyances, allergies may have evolved to help defend the body against worms, ticks and fatal toxins. The Sciences, v. 34, Nov./Dec. 1994: 34-38.

Noble, William, and Iain Davidson. The evolutionary emergence of modern human behaviour: language and its archaeology. Man, v. 26, June 1991: 223-253.

Shreeve, James. Human origins--1992: As the old world turns. Discover, v. 14, Jan. 1993: 24-25, 28.

Stringer, C. B., and P. Andrews. Genetic and fossil evidence of the origin of modern humans. Science, v. 239, Mar. 11, 1988: 1263-1268.

Tierney, John, Lynda Wright, and Karen Springen. The search for Adam and Eve. Newsweek, v. 111, Jan. 11, 1988: 46-52.

White, Tim D., Gen Suwa, and Berhane Asfaw. Australopithecus ramidus, a new species of early hominid from Aramis, Ethiopia. Nature, v. 371, Sept. 22, 1994: 306-312.



The Internet also offers a growing number of anthropology sources, including bibliographies, information resources, and discussion groups.

Institute for the Study of Man
1133 13th Street, N.W.
Suite C2
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 371-2700

Institute of Human Origins
1288 9th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
Telephone: (510) 525-0500

National Center for Science Education
P.O. Box 9477
Berkeley, CA 94709-0477
Telephone: (510) 526-1674
(800) 290-6006

Smithsonian Institution
Anthropology Outreach and Public Information Office
NHB 363, MRC 112
Washington, DC 20560
Telephone: (202) 357-1592



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