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by George Caldwell, Library of Congress. Rev.ed. Jan. 1991


1. How to Get It; A Guide To Defense-Related Information Sources. Revised December, 1988. Gretchen Schlag, Defense Technical Information center. AD-A201 600. (Try NTIS).

2. Research Guide to Current Military and Strategic Affairs. William Arkin. Washington, D.C. Institute for Policy Studies. 1981.

3. Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. On paper, CD-ROM (e.g., Marcive), data bases (e.g. Dialog), and microfilm (e.g., Autographics).

4. Government Printing Office (GPO). "Publications Reference File." Microfiche. Current inventory.

5. OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) database.

6. Government Reports Annual Index. Natl.Tech.Info.Service. Technical reports done on federal contracts.

7. Directory of Engineering Document Sources. 4th ed. 1989. Global Engineering Docments, CA. Tel.: (714)540-9870. (800)854-7179. Deciphers acronyms & abbrevs., gives sources. D.C.: (202)429-2860.

8. Library of Congress databases: MUMS, PREMARC, LCCC, BIBL, & NRCM (organizations).

9. Library of Cong. book catalogs (for older pubs): 1942+, Pre-1956 National Union Catalog.

10. Air University Index to Military Periodicals.

11. Library and Reference Facilities in the Area of the District of Columbia. 12th ed. Knowledge Industry Publications, White Plains, NY. Includes military libraries.

12. Washington Information Directory. Congressional Quarterly, Inc. (202)887-8500. Orgzs.

13. Department of Defense Telephone Directory. "Triannual." Available from GPO.

14. American Library Directory. Includes military libraries.

15. "Military Libraries." (In: Subject Directory of Special Libraries & Information Centers).

16. Library directories for Maryland, Boston, New York City, Florida, etc.

17. NTIS (Natl.Tech.Info.Serv.). Mil.pubs, DTIC unclassified reports. Identify titles: (703)487-4780. NTIS Defense Pubns.Sec. Tel.: (703)487-4684. FAX (they prefer): (703)487-4841.

18. Federal depository libraries, esp. Univ. of Maryland (Regional depository, ca 1965+) and Library of Congress, Serial & Govt. Pubns. Div. (full depository, 1979+). Caldwell: (202)707-6126.

19. Pentagon Library. Reference: (703)697-4301. Military Documents: (703)695-5535.

20. GAO (Gen.Acctg.Office) Law Library. Many military regulations, current & retrospective. Open to the public. (202)275-2585.

21. DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center). Ref.: (301) 274-7633.

22. National Security Archives (private orgz at Brookings). Declassified documents. (202)797-0882.

23. U.S. National Archives. Big collection of Army Field Manuals & Technical Manuals in Center for Legislative Archives: (202) 501-5350, Military Reference Branch: (202)501-5385.

24. National Defense University Library. Has military theses, student papers: (202)693-8437.

25. Center for Defense Information Library. Librarian: Katherine Schultz, (202)862-0700.

26. Federal News Center (private firm). DoD press releases, etc. (202)347-1400.

27. Myron J. Smith, Jr., Salem College, Salem, W.Va. (304)782-5238. Compiler World War II biblios.

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (in addition to above):

1. Department of Defense. Public information. (703)697-5737.

A. DIRECTIVES & PUBLICATIONS. DoD Directives System Quarterly Index. ( Dl.6/8).

1. GAO (General Accounting Office) Law Library. Extensive collection of military regulations, current & retrospective. Open to the public. (202)275-2585.

2. Depository libraries for fed.govt.pubns. have a few, esp. U.Md.(1965+), Libr.of Cong.(1979+).

3. Pentagon Library. Military Documents: (703)695-5535. Access ltd.;some I.L.L. & photocopy.

4. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Title 32, "National Defense." Pts. 1-399, "Office of Secretary of Defense." Pts. 1200-1299, "Defense Logistics Agency" Title 48: "Federal Acquisition Regulations System (FAR). Parts 200-299. "Department of Defense." Directives Index above shows which regulations are in Code of Fed.Regulations (Title 32).

5. Public can buy Directives from Navy Pubns. & Prntg.Serv. or Nav.Publns.&FormsCtr. (see 32CFR289).

6. Reference & Research Service on DoD Directives & Instructions: (702)697-4111.

SPECIFICATIONS & STANDARDS: DoD Index of Specifications and Standards ( D 7.14:).

1. Library of Congress, Technical Reports Section, tel. (202)707-5655. Has large comprehensive collection of military standards and specifications, both current and retrospective. Easily accessible to the public. Staff specialist: Jim Scala.

2. Naval Publications and Forms Center announced (March 1990) they are no longer handling DoD Specs & Standards. Future mail requests should be sent to: Standardization Document Order Desk, Bldg. 4, Sec. D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094

3. Big one: Global Engrg.Docs., Calif. (800)854-7179. DC:(202)429-2860.

4. Also: Document Center,Belmont,CA. Calif. (415) 591-7600.

5. Commercial retrieval firms can help.


1. Library of Congress, Tech. Reports Sec., has large collection of DoD research reports (AD- ), 1952+, including 50,000+ declassified and delimited reports (mainly microfiche). Also has DTIC database terminal. Serves public. Tel.:(202)707-5655.

2. Catalog of DIOR Reports. 100 top contractors,&c. Directorate for Info.Operations & Reports, Pentagon. (Some Monthly Cat.& depository collections, American Statistics Index, Government Reports & Announcements Index).

3. Defense Logistics Agency Index of Publications; HSI's, Handbooks, Manuals & Regulations. (DLAH 5025.1). Indexes some DoD hbks.,manuals,regulations. DLA,Cameron Sta.,Alexandria,VA.

4. Index of DCAA Numbered Publications & Memorandums. (DCAII 5025.2). Defense Contract Audit Agency, Camron Sta.,Alexandria,VA. DCAA pubns. available to public. Tel.: (703)274-7288.

5. Records office, Secretary of Defense. Tel.: (703)697-9285.

6. Historian's Office, Department of Defense. Tel.: (703) 697-4216.

7. Freedom of Information Office, Department of Defense. Tel.: (703)697-4325.

12. Declassification and Historical Research Branch. Tel.: (703) 695-5154.

ARMY PUBLICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS (see also previous page, first section)

1. Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms. DA PAM 25-30. Microfiche. $15. Current NTIS ord. no.: PB 910802. Includes "List of Publications Control Officers" with names and telephone numbers.

2. National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Defense Publications Sec.: (703)487-4684.

3. Pentagon Library (formerly, Army Library) Ref.: (703)697-4301. Mil.Docs.: (703)695-5535.


1. Consolidated Index of Army Publications. Fiche 4-1: "Army Regulations."

2. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 32, National Defense: Pts. 400-699, Dept. of the Army;" Pts. 1600-1699, "Selective Service System, Title 48, "Federal Acquisition Regulation System" FAR), Pts. 5100-5199, Dept. of Army Acquisition Regulations.

3. Depository libraries, especially full depositories like: (a)Univ. of Md. (1965+) (b)Library of Congress. Quite old AR's at call number UB 500.9.A4; more recent (1979+) D101.9:. Not complete (202)275-2585.

4. GAO Law Library: (202)275-2585. Extensive collection, old & new. Open to the public.

5. Pentagon Library. Military Documents: (703)695-5535. Limitations on service.

6. Natl.Archives. Center for Legis.Archives. GPO libr.collection: (202)501-5350. Older AR's


1. U.S.Army Center for Mil.History. DC. Jim Knight, Librarian: (202)272-0317.

2. Library of Congress Microform Reading Room (for Stars and Stripes, etc.): (202)707-5471.

3. Historical Analysis Agencies Directory, by U.S. Army Center for Military History.

4. Military History Institute, Library. Carlisle Barracks, PA. (717)245-3611.

5. George C. Marshal Research Foundation and Library, Lexington, VA 24450.

6. Locating U.S. Regimental Histories in the Library of Congress. (Military unit histories). Barbara Grochowski, General Reading Riins Division, LC. 7 p.

7. Publications of the Respective Bureaus of the War Department from March 4, 1789 to March 4, 1881. 1882. 19 p. (Senate Executive Docummt 47, 47th Congress, 1st Session).


1. Consolidated index of Army Publications and Blank Forms. DA PAM 25-30.

2. Federal depository libraries. Field Manuals (FM-) D101.20: Tech.Manuals (TM-) D 101.11

3. Library of Congress general collection. Older manuals: U408.3.Al3 [FM- TM- plus number].

4. National Archives, Cent.for Legis.Archives. Big collection (GPO Library + additions).

5. Pentagon Library, Military Documents: Current manuals.

6. Military History Institute, Library. Carlisle Barracks, PA. Big set. (717)245-3611.

7. Army Engineers School Library, Ft.Belvoir, VA (703)664-1140. ("... historical collection of old Field Manuals.").

8. Library and Reference Facilities in ... District of Columbia. Lists other mil. libraries.

9. Checklist '76. Microfilm of GPO Library shelflist before 1976. (D101.11 and D101.20)


1. Military Vehicle Reference Series. Dennis R. Spence. Portrayal Press, Thornton, Colorado. No. 1: Army Vehicle Manuals (1941-1978]. 1st ed. 1980. No. 2: Army vehicle Identification Numbers. lst ed. 1981. No. 3: Army Vehicle Publications. 1st ed. 1985.

2. International Military Vehicle Collectors Club. Colo. (303) 450-9184. J.Herrick,Sec.-Treas. Bill Barker, Los Angeles, Calif. (213)472-4394. Knowledgeable membs. mil.vehicles club: a. Dennis Spence, PO Box 1748, Union,NJ 07083. (201)688-6050. ("Has a Manual store, can supply almost any manual. Ed. of mgz. in which all dealers advertise, Mil.Vehicles."-Barker). b. Industrial Products Co., Toluca lake, CA (213)849-4942. Jim Zentmyer. Sells from stock of several thousand TM's, mainly for Dodge and Chrysler trucks used by the Army. c. Jack Tomlin, Tooele, Utah (801)882-0420. ("Has biggest collection of vehicle manuals I know of. A whole warehouse full of all kinds of things."--John Zentmyer,Indus.Products). d. Stan Poole, Akuebogue, NY. (516)722-3216. ("Biggest selection of reprints."--J.Zentmyer). e. Brent Mullins, 206 Helena St., Bryan, TX 77801. Big collection of Jeep manuals.

3. Other jeep dealers: a. Sarafan, 23 N. Madison Ave., Spring Valley, NY (914)356-1080. ("Biggest On East coast."). b. Surplus City, Sun Valley, CA. ("Best in the West"). (818) 767-3666. Owner: "Jack";helpful. c. Mr. Moir(?) Boston? ("Has TM's for armor. Can answer any questions on armor."-Barker). (Check with with Bill Barker or Dennis Spence for correct name, telephone number, etc.). d. Carl Tong, PO Box 841, Scobey, Montana 59263. "Thousands of manuals on construction equipment and vehicles."


1. Index of Forms and Publications. (NAVSO P-2345). Office of Comptroller, Washington, DC. (Publications of the Secretary of the Navy and Dept. of Navy staff offices).

2. Naval Warfare Publications Guide. Washington, DC, Navy, CNO. (Index of Naval Communications and Tactical Warfare (COMTAC) publications).

3. List of Training Manuals and Correspondence Courses (NAVEDTRA 10061). Washington, DC, Navy CNET.

4. Government Printing Office Subject Bibliographies: SB-173. "Naval Personnel Bureau and Naval Education and Training Command Publications." SB-219. "Naval Facilities Engineering Command Publications." SB-236. "United States Naval History."

5. Navy Department Library, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC. Ref: (202)433-4131, or 4132.

6. National Technical Information Service (NTIS).

7. Office of Navy Informtion, Public Iormation: (703)695-0965.

8. Naval Publications and Forms Center, Philadelphia. Ref.:(215) 697-3321.

9. Naval Historical Center, Naval History Division, Operational Archives. (202)433-3170.

10. National Archives, Military Reference Branch. (202)501-5430.

11. U.S. Naval Academy Library. Annapolis, MD.

12. Navy General Counsel Library, Crystal City. (703)692-7378. ("Extensive docs.").

Navy Instructions (Regulations):

1. Consolidated Subject Index of Instructions by Washington Headquarters Organizations. NAVPUB--note 5215. Washington, DC, Navy, NPPS Management Office. (Instructions of Commands in the Washington area).

2. GAO Law Library. Open to the public. (202)275-2585.

3. Navy Directives Control. (202)433-4934.

4. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Title 32, National Defense," Parts 700-799, "Department of the Navy." Title 48, "Federal Acquisitions Regulations System" (FAR), Parts 5200-5299, "Department of the Navy Acquisition Regulations."

Specifications & Standards:

1. Library of Congress, Technical Reports Section, (202)707-5655. Large comprehensive collection, accessible to the public. Staff Specialist: Jim Scala.

2. Standardization Document Order Desk, Building 4, Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. Now handles mail requests for Navy specifications and standards, replacing Naval Publications and Forms Center.


1. Naval Air Systems Technical Information and Resource Center. (703)692-9006. ("80,000 technical manuals").

2. Naval Sea Systems Technical Library, Documents Branch, Arlington, VA. (703)692-3305. ("1800 technical manuals each year").

3. Naval Training Equipment Center, Technical Information Center, Orlando, Florida. (305)646-4797. ("24,000 documents and manuals").

4. Naval Education and Training Center Library, Newport, R.I. (401)841-3044. (NAV manuals).

5. Submarine Force Library and Museum, Groton, CT. (203)449-3174. (Has technical manuals).

C.Bean (1-94)

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