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Comments on Proposed Rule
Delayed Pricing for Certain Registrants

(Rel. No. 33-7393; File No. S7-9-97)

  • Comments of John M. Liftin, Chair, Committee on Federal Regulation of Securities; and Stanley Keller, Jean E. Harris, and Richard M. Leisner, Co-Chairs, Task Force on Small Business Issuers of the American Bar Association, Chicago, Ill., June 26, 1997. (File name: liftin3.htm)

  • Comments of Gerard S. DiFiore, attorney, May 12, 1997. (File name: difiore1.htm)

  • Comments of Richard E. Gutman, Chairman, Committee on Securities Regulation of the Business Law Section of the New York State Bar Association, Albany, N.Y., April 25, 1997. (File name: gutman2.htm)

  • Further Comments of Jesse M. Brill, The Corporate Counsel, Concord, Calif., April 21, 1997. (File name: brill2.htm)

  • Comments of Jesse M. Brill, The Corporate Counsel, Concord, Calif., March 3, 1997. (File name: brill1.htm)

Modified: 07/24/97