
Temporary Duty Travel: Federal Travel Regulation (FTR)

Sponsored by Travel and Transportation Training

Co-sponsored by

Need information and guidance on travel regulations, use of the travel card, vouchering, eGov Travel, contract air fares and allowable expenses?

Course Number: 1760

This lecture course teaches students how to compute temporary duty travel allowances and responsibilities concerning:

  • Travel Authorizations
  • Allowable Transportation
  • Fly America Act
  • Contract City-Pair Fares
  • Per Diem Allowances
  • Actual Expense
  • eGov Travel Service (eTS)
  • Government Travel Charge Card
  • Receipt Requirements
  • Emergency Travel
  • Conference Per Diem Allowance
  • Miscellaneous Expenses
  • Submission of Vouchers

Fast changing updates and streamlining of federal travel allowances make annual or even twice-yearly training strongly advisable.

Intended for: travel specialists, affected authorizing/supervising/policy officials, frequent travelers, and support staff.

Prerequisites: None

Cost: $824

Length: 2 days

To register for this class, go to How to Register. For more information, please call the Professional Development and Training Section at (703) 605-0555, or email


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 - Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Washington, DC

Gracie A. Jones
(703) 605-2894
Fax: (703) 605-2188
Diane J Hawkins
(703) 605-2897
Fax: (703) 305-7946