ATP Proposal Preparation Kit, February 2004

Guidelines and Documentation Requirements for Research Involving Human and Animal Subjects


Submission Timeline for Required Documentation—Human Subjects

Determination of Type and Date of Human Subjects Use Gate 1 Gate 3
As Indicated From Appendix 2
Gate 1
(Initial Proposal)
Gate 3
(Oral Review)
Year 1
(Item 4 from Appendix 2)

Completed answers to Appendix
and/or Appendix 4 as
All other NIST required materials
or clarifications as
requested in pre-oral-review

Year 1

IRB review required
(Item 5 from Appendix 2)

  • Name of the IRB that will
    be reviewing the protocol
  • FWA or MPA number of the
    “engaged” institution and
    the expected date of IRB
  • Signed copy of the IRB
    approved protocol
  • Signed and dated approval
    letter from the IRB indicating
    approval and expiration
  • Copy of all IRB approved
    consent forms and

After year 1

Deferred exemption or
deferred IRB review required

No documents are required
to be submitted with the initial
A projected date of human
subjects use and a schedule
of when NIST required materials
will be submitted in accordance
with the categories
listed above

FWA = Federalwide Assurance
IRB = Institutional Review Board
MPA = Multiple Project Assurance
NIST = National Institute of Standards and Technology

Return to Table of Contents or go to Appendix 6.

Date created: February 3, 2004
Last updated: February 3, 2004

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U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration.
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