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Evaluation Reporting Template

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The Evaluation Reporting Template for Interactive Health Communication Applications Version 1.0, is being proposed by the Science Panel on Interactive Communication and Health (SciPICH) as a standardized approach to planning and reporting IHC evaluations. Development of this tool was based on the rationale that all applications should undergo some level of evaluation during and after design and implementation, and that the nature and results of such evaluations should be available to potential users and purchasers of the application.  We plan to feature future versions of the template on this page.

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Intended users:

The template is designed to assist health professionals, consumers, and purchasers judge the appropriateness of a given IHC application to fit their needs and, perhaps, compare one application with another. It can also help IHC developers explore and clarify some of the expectations of those who may be purchasing and using the applications they develop.

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How it was developed:

The structure of the template was derived through a consensus process. An initial list of items was constructed by SciPICH members based upon widely accepted principles and processes of intervention design and evaluation, and feedback was elicited from developers of IHC applications, government agencies, academic researchers, health care organizations, health care consumers, and consumer advocates. Because the template is designed to apply to all types of applications and evaluations, some items may not apply to a particular application or evaluation.

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Completing the template:

The template is divided into four sections. The time required to complete it will vary depending on the level of evaluation of your application. You need only complete those questions that apply. If you have an existing text document detailing the evaluation of your IHC application, you may prefer to copy and paste your answers directly into this form. 

The Panel welcomes any questions, feedback or suggestions related to your experience using the template.

Section I focuses on identification of the developers, the source of funding for the application, the purpose of the application and its intended audience, technical requirements, and issues of confidentiality--a particular concern among consumers and consumer advocates involved in this process.

Section II focuses on the results of formative and process evaluations, as contributors to the design and development of an IHC application. These items elicit information to help potential users and purchasers judge the validity of the content, the appropriateness of the application to their specific needs, and whether sufficient testing was done to insure that the application is likely to function as it is intended.

Section III focuses on the results of any outcome evaluations that were performed. The listed outcomes are not exhaustive but are those most commonly encountered, ranging from whether users like the application to whether it produces changes in morbidity or mortality, reduced costs, or organizational change. Potential outcomes are broadly defined because individual developers, users, and purchasers of applications may have very different needs and expectations. 

Section IV focuses on information about the evaluators and funding to provide potential users and purchasers with information about potential biases or conflicts of interests relevant to the evaluation.

Classifications of evaluation designs and descriptions of samples are provided from the US Preventive Services Task Force to help clarify the information needed for the submission process.

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Updating submissions:

  • You have the option to modify or remove information previously submitted to the IHC application database:
  1. Select the "update application" button found at the top of this page.
  2. If you encounter any difficulties, please e-mail us at
  • You will be prompted to search for your application by the title you submitted.
  • The same password you selected to submit your IHC application to this site will allow you to update your submission whenever needed.
  • If you forget your password, you can request to have it e-mailed to you.

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Confidentiality of submissions:

  • Visitors who voluntarily submit IHC applications using the Evaluation Reporting Template are asked to provide an e-mail address, password, and contact information to register their IHC application.  This information is requested in order to confirm a registration and permit a user to update or delete an IHC application submission. There are several questions registrants are required to answer so that users can browse the database for IHC applications categorized by topics of interest.

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Searching the database:

By keyword:

  • The default search treats the text you enter as a phrase. Use AND and OR between words and phrases to modify your search. Add more words to refine the search results. You can use a comma (,) to mean OR.

Browse all IHC Applications:

  • This feature allows you to view all the IHC applications that have been submitted to our database.

Browsing by category:

  • You may also browse IHC applications by using pull-down menus that categorize applications by nine topics:  (1) application type, (2) user age group, (3) user gender, (4) funding source, (5) user education level, (6) languages offered, (7) appropriate settings, (8) user confidentiality, and (9) forms of evaluation conducted.

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Contact information:

SciPICH invites comments and suggestions regarding the content, scope, utility, and practicality of this template.  Please direct comments to: SciPICH, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, US Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC  20201 or email to:

[ Submit Application   |  Update Application  |  Search Applications ]

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Comments:   Updated: 05/01/08   Disclaimer