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Family Unification Vouchers

 Information by State
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 -   What are family unification vouchers?
 -   How can families obtain family unification vouchers?
 -   What organizations are eligible to apply for family unification program vouchers?
 -   How do PHAs apply for voucher funding from HUD?
 -   What families are eligible to apply for the family unification program vouchers?
 -   How does a PHA determine if a family is income eligible for the family unification program vouchers?
 -   How do families obtain an apartment once they have a voucher?
 -   How much rent do vouchers cover?
 -   Do families have to lease a unit in the jurisdiction where the PHA issues the voucher?
 -   What regulations cover this program?

Related Information
 -   Forms and guidance
 -   24 CFR Part 982
 -   PIH Notices

What are family unification vouchers?
Family unification vouchers are made available to families for whom the lack of adequate housing is a primary factor in the separation, or threat of imminent separation, of children from their families or in the prevention of reunifying the children with their families. Family unification vouchers enable these families to lease or purchase decent, safe and sanitary housing that is affordable in the private housing market.

How can families obtain family unification vouchers?
Interested families should contact their local PHA.

What organizations are eligible to apply for family unification program vouchers?
PHAs authorized under state law to develop or operate housing assistance programs may apply.

How do PHAs apply for voucher funding from HUD?
Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) respond to notices of funding availability (NOFAs). Each NOFA identifies allocation areas, amount of funds available per area and the selection criteria for rating and ranking applications.

What families are eligible to apply for the family unification program vouchers?
Families are eligible for these vouchers if they meet two conditions:

  • The public child welfare agency (PCWA) has certified that this is a family for whom the lack of adequate housing is a primary factor in the imminent placement of the family's child, or children, in out-of-home care, or in the delay of discharge of a child, or children, to the family from out-of-home care; and
  • The PHA has determined the family is eligible for a housing choice voucher.

How does a PHA determine if a family is income eligible for the family unification program vouchers?
The PHA compares the family’s annual income (gross income) with the HUD-established very low-income limit or low income limit for the area. The family's gross income cannot exceed this limit.

How do families obtain an apartment once they have a voucher?
It is the responsibility of a family to find a unit that meets their needs. If the family finds a unit that meets the housing quality standards, the rent is reasonable, and the unit meets other program requirements, the PHA executes a HAP contract with the property owner. This contract authorizes the PHA to make subsidy payments on behalf of the family. If the family moves out of the unit, the contract with the owner ends and the family can move with continued assistance to another unit.

How much rent do vouchers cover?
The PHA pays the owner the difference between 30 percent of family income and PHA determined payment standard or gross rent whichever is lower. The family may choose a unit with a higher rent than the payment standard and pay the owner the difference.

Do families have to lease a unit in the jurisdiction where the PHA issues the voucher?
No. A family may choose a unit anywhere in the United States where there is a PHA that administers a tenant based voucher program. However, the family may only use the voucher to lease a unit in an area where the family is income eligible at admission to the program.

What regulations cover this voucher?
Regulations are found in 24 CFR Part 982.

Content updated April 22, 2003   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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