NeMO Curriculum - Part 4
Key for Teachers
Table of Contents

1. Title page: The Case of the Missing Rumbleometer
2. Premise: A Mystery to Solve
3. The missing rumbleometer
4. Glossary
5. The NeMO Curriculum - an overview
6. Part 1: Information and background (with movie links)
7. Part 2: Information for teachers about the classroom activities
8. Activity #1: Locating an earthquake epicenter
9. Working with latitude and longitude
10. Locating earthquake epicenters on land vs. in the ocean
11. Activity #2: Ocean floor traverse
12. Ocean floor traverse: Site #1
13. Ocean floor traverse: Site #2
14. Ocean floor traverse: Site #3
15. Ocean floor traverse: Site #4
16. Ocean floor traverse: Site #5 (with movie links)
17. Ocean floor traverse: Site #6
18. Ocean floor traverse: Site #7
19. Ocean floor traverse: Site #8
20. Activity #3: Contour profiles
21. Completed contour profile worksheet at 45 56.0'
22. Completed contour profile worksheet at 45 55.9'
23. Completed contour profile worksheet at 45 55.8'
24. Completed contour profile worksheet at 45 55.7'
25. Completed contour profile worksheet at 45 55.6'
26. Notes on profile with rumbleometer (with movie link)
27. Activity #4: Graphing rumbleometer data
28. Completed temperature worksheet
29. Completed depth worksheet
30. Notes on rumbleometer temperature data
31. Notes on rumbleometer depth data (with movie link)
32. How the rumbleometer was rescued
33. The successful rescue (with movie link)
34. High-resolution color bathymetric map of the rumbleometer site
35. Page-sized color map of bathymetry (for printing)
36. Links to related information
37. Education benchmarks
38. Thank you and email address for feedback
39. Credits

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