Latest News

Stemming Global Warming with an Artificial Volcano
September 8, 2008
Atmospheric physicist John Latham proposes mimicking a massive volcanic eruption could reduce global warming.
Gray arrow Article:  Scientific American

Evidence of a Planetary Collision
September 7, 2008
A pair of stars shrouded in a cloud of debris aren't part of a newly forming solar system, but are witnesses to a massive planetary dust-up.
Gray arrow Article:  ABC News

Rosetta Finds a Rocky Jewel
September 6, 2008
The Rosetta mission is the first spacecraft to take a close-up portrait of a rare type of asteroid that lies between Mars and Jupiter.
Gray arrow Article:  Science News

Shaping Single Photons
September 5, 2008 measured oscillations in a multi-photon attosecond light pulse
Researchers have shaped the time profile of a single photon, which may benefit quantum information processing.
Gray arrow Article:  Focus

The Price of Anarchy
September 4, 2008
Physicists find that closing some roads could speed traffic.
Gray arrow Article:  Ars Technica

Proton's Strange New Cousin
September 4, 2008
A new heavy cousin of the proton was found hiding in a pile of data at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
Gray arrow Article:  Science News

It’s Likely Times Are Changing
September 3, 2008
A century ago, mathematician Hermann Minkowski merged space with time; now physicists are rethinking how the two should fit together.
Gray arrow Article:  Science News

Galactic Supercrash Proves Rarity of Antimatter
September 2, 2008
The collision of entire clusters of galaxies helps set the strongest limit yet on the amount of antimatter in the universe.
Gray arrow Article:  New Scientist


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Each week, aided by referee comments and internal discussion, editors from each of the Physical Review journals choose papers that merit highlighting in Physics. We select commentary authors from around the world who are known for their expertise and communication skills and we devote much effort to editing these commentaries for broad accessibility.

The Latest from Physics

Gray arrow  Viewpoint: Particles go with the flow
Gray arrow  Viewpoint: Flipping a domain wall switch
Gray arrow  Trends: Ultracold neutral plasmas

Scientists Activate Particle Collider

Large Hadron Collider Makes History

New York Times – Science rode a beam of subatomic particles and a river of champagne into the future on Wednesday, September 10.

After 14 years and $8 billion, scientists at the European Center for Nuclear Research, or CERN, outside Geneva, succeeded in turning on the most powerful microscope ever built for investigating the elemental particles and forces of nature.

At 4:27 a.m., Eastern time, the protons made their first circuit around a 17-mile-long racetrack known as the Large Hadron Collider, 300 feet underneath the Swiss French border, and then made a return journey.

Gray arrow  Full article:  New York Times
Gray arrow  LHC Graph and Photo

Gender Equity Report

Doubling Women in Physics

The Gender Equity Report contains recommendations for doubling the number of women and under-represented minorities in physics by 2022. Specific actions are proposed for faculty, staff, and funding agencies.

Gray arrow  Gender Equity Report
Gray arrow  Organizing Committee

India Exchange Program

Deadline October 31, 2008

APS and the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) have signed an agreement establishing program that will sponsor the exchange of physicists and physics graduate students between India and the United States.

Gray arrow U.S.- India Travel Program
Gray arrow "Signing Launches International Program"