Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 6/9/99

Series: Information

Part 471: Audiovisual Media and Publications

Chapter 2: Still Photography

Originating Office: Office of Communications

471 DM 2

2.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter apply to all photographs resulting from the use by any employee of the Department of the Interior of photographic equipment and/or supplies purchased with appropriated funds. All such negatives and/or color transparencies are the property of the Government, must be handled accordingly, and must be made available as required. All contracts and agreements with non-Government photographers which involve reimbursement by the Government for taking official photographs will specify that resulting selected and purchased negatives and color transparencies are to become the Government's property.

2.2 Department Responsibilities. The Department's Office of Communications is responsible for, and has oversight for all still photographic policies and procedures within the Department.

2.3 General Policies.

A. Still photographic products prepared by, or for the Department (or any of its subdivisions) may be available for public showing, provided that: (1) use of the material does not imply Department of the Interior endorsement of a commercial product or service, or of a particular viewpoint espoused by a commercial firm or a special-interest organization; and (2) the public is not charged a fee expressly and exclusively for the purpose of viewing the still photographic product.

B. Official photographs distributed for reproduction will carry the following credits: (a) U.S. Department of the Interior; (b) the name of the bureau or office; and (c) the name of the photographer.

C. All Department of the Interior publications and visual products will, where appropriate, strive to achieve a racial, ethnic, age and handicap balance in depiction and content.

D. The procurement and retention of photographic equipment and supplies will be kept to the minimum consistent with the photographic mission and needs of the user organization.

6/9/99 #3266

Replaces 2/7/78 #2064

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