Healthy People 2010
Agenda for Regional Meetings

Day 1
Noon Registration
1 pm Welcoming Remarks Regional Health Administrators, U.S. Public Health Service
Keynote Address Dr. David Satcher, Assistant Secretary for Health and Surgeon General, or his representative from the Secretary’s Council
1:30 pm Opening Panel Successes and Challenges in Achieving the Goals of Healthy People 2000
3 pm Break
3:15 pm Breakout Groups Critical Issues: Improving the Health of the Nation by 2010
5: 15 Final Remarks
5:30 Adjourn
Day 2
7:30 am Registration
8 am Opening Remarks Regional Health Administrators, U.S. Public Health Service
8:30 am Public Comments Framework & Goals
Three Concurrent Sessions
1 pm Adjourn

Purpose HHS Regions  Participants Meeting Format
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