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State Territorial Support for National Guard and Regular Military Members and Their Families
Contact: Nolan Jones
Office of Federal Relations
State Territorial Support for National Guard and Regular Military Members and Their Families (2008 Survey)
State Territorial Support for National Guard and Regular Military Members and Their Families (2008 Report)

The nation's governors are supporting the men and women of the U.S. military and their families, according to a recently updated survey by the National Governors Association (NGA). With more than 40 percent of the National Guard and Reserves engaged in overseas military operations to support the war on terror, governors are going well beyond the federal requirements, offering expanded benefits such as health care, life insurance, unemployment benefits, and emergency financial assistance.

The NGA survey places these benefits into six categories:

  • Family Support. According to the NGA survey, states and territories offer one or more of the following programs and benefits to families: hiring preferences for state jobs to spouses of military personnel; credit counseling to spouses and family members; family survivor benefit plans, similar to state veterans cemetery benefits; rosters of volunteers who will assist with family needs and organizing family support groups; free access to video teleconferencing centers for families of activated members; and unemployment benefits for spouses who transfer to states along with military family members. Most states offer information about family benefits and support programs on their Website.

  • Education Benefits. Most states and territories offer some form of educational benefits to members of the Guard and their families as well as other military families, including: tuition assistance; refunds and reimbursement when activated; scholarships for spouses and children; and special recognition and support to families whose member died in the line of duty.

  • Licensing and Registration Benefits.  States and territories extend or waive deadlines for professional license and driver's license renewals, and exempt or extend deadlines for certain tax liabilities for Guardsmen and women who have been called to active duty. In addition, states allow spouses of armed service members to practice in professional areas until they are licensed by the state; some states accept out of state licenses; and many states defer continuing education requirements until members return from active duty.

  • Tax and Financial Benefits. States and territories offer some form of tax relief or extension of filing deadlines for the National Guard and Reserve members on active duty. Several states exempt active duty armed service members' salaries from state income tax. In addition, some states provide a check-off box on the state income tax form for citizens to donate to a relief fund established for military families.

  • State Employees Benefits. States and territories provide their state employees the difference between their regular pay and their National Guard pay when they are on active duty. More than half of the states and territories provide health care and life insurance benefits for Guardsmen and women and their families. A few states offer assistance with private insurance.

  • Protections, Recognition and Employment Support. Many states and territories also provide other benefits such as: cost of living pay increases while activated; reemployment protection including seniority and pay upon returning from service; hiring preferences for state, municipal and county employment; sick leave and vacation time accrual during activation; protection from foreclosure during activation; expedited absentee ballot procedures during activation; and regulation of "payday lending" around military installations.

Acronym Glossary


Active Guard and Reserve


Employer Support for Guard and Reserve


Family Readiness Group


Global War on Terror


Leave Without Pay


Memorandum of Understanding


Morale, Welfare, and Recreation


National Guard

NG & R

National Guard and Reserve


Operation Enduring Freedom


Operation Iraqi Freedom


State Soldiers' Civil Relief Act


State Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act


Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance


State Sponsored Life Insurance


The Adjutant General


Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

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