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Several NASA missions and programs provide financial support and resources to the Solar System Educators Program. For a complete list of missions (past, present and future), visit our Missions section.
Cassini-Huygens is an international mission to explore Saturn and its complex system of rings and moons. The Cassini orbiter will conduct an extended tour of the Saturn system and also deploy the Huygen's Probe to explore that atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
Cassini-Huygens Homepage
Cassini Education Page
Deep Space Network
NASA's Deep Space Network is an international network of antennas that support interplanetary missions and radio and radar astronomy observations for the exploration of outer space.
Deep Space Network Homepage
Deep Space Network Education Page
Deep Space Network
Genesis collected samples of the solar wind and dust particles for return to Earth. The samples were the first extraterrestrial materials returned to Earth since the Apollo astronauts brought back the last load of Moon rocks in 1972.
Genesis Homepage
Genesis Education Page
Mars Exploration Program
NASA's Mars Exploration Program is a systematic exploration the Red Planet with a series of landers - such as the Mars Exploration Rovers - and orbiters such as Mars Odyssey and the upcoming Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Together, these missions are revealing the Mars in unprecedented detail.
Mars Exploration Program Homepage
Mars Exploration Program Education Page
Mars Exploration Program
NASA Office of Space Science Solar System Exploration Education and Public Outreach Forum
The Solar System forum is part of a NASA Office of Space Science support network that helps to make education and enhanced public understanding part of space exploration missions.
Solar System Exploration Homepage
Solar System Exploration Education Page
NASA Office of Space Science Solar System Exploration Education and Public Outreach Forum
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Education Office
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is NASA's lead center for the robotic exploration of space. JPL and NASA support many educational programs through the Education and Public Outreach Office. The educational materials at JPL are linked to our missions and projects.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Homepage
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Education Gateway
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Education Office
New Horizons
New Horizons is the first-ever mission to distant Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. The spacecraft is currently en route to Pluto.
New Horizons Homepage
New Horizons Education Page
New Horizons
Stardust collected samples from comet Wild 2 in January 2004 and brought them back to Earth for scientific study.
Stardust Homepage
Stardust Education Page
Ulysses is the first spacecraft to study the unexplored region of space above our Sun's poles. Now well into an extended mission, Ulysses continues to send back valuable information on the inner working of our star, especially its magnetic field and how it influences our solar system.
Ulysses Homepage
Ulysses Education Page
In space for more than 30 years, Vouager 1 has already traveled farther from our Sun than any other spacecraft.
Voyager Homepage
Voyager Education Page
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