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Educator Spotlight

"The materials from the SSEP have transformed my middle school classroom into a dynamic learning environment in which my students are engaged and excited about space education," says Dee McLellan, a Solar System Educator from Andover, Mn. "In workshops with other teachers, I have been able to share these tools and experiences. The positive response to this program has helped me form partnerships with colleges to advance space education in our schools." Read More

There are currently 66 Solar System Educators in 41 states. Use the map to find contact information on educators in your state or search the alphabetical list of educators.

Hawaii Alaska California Oregon Washington Idaho Nevada Utah Arizona New Mexico Colorado Wyoming Montana North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Louisiana Arkansas Missouri Iowa Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Ohio Indiana Illinois Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Florida Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Virginia West Virginia Maryland District of Columbia Delaware Pennsylvania New Jersey New York Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Maine

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