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Exceptional, Unconventional Research Enabling Knowledge Acceleration (EUREKA) Grants

September 2008

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

John Chaput, Arizona State University, Tempe
"Discovering a Hidden Proteome in the Human Genome"

Daniel T. Chiu, University of Washington
"Super-Resolution Imaging with Difference Deconvolution Microscopy"

Tanja Dominko, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
"De-Differentiating Adult Human Fibroblasts into Stem-Like Cells Using Defined Conditions"

Iswar K. Hariharan, University of California, Berkeley
"Identifying Novel Strategies to Promote Tissue Regeneration"

James M. Hogle, Harvard University Medical School
"Correlative Cyro-Miscroscopy: A New Approach for Characterizing the Structure and Function of Intracellular Macromolecular Machines in Situ"

Laurence H. Hurley, University of Arizona, Tucson
"Establishing a Molecular System for Drug Targeting of Transcriptional Control"

Masayori Inouye, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
"The Method for Determination of Membrane Protein Structures Without Purification"

Michelle Krogsgaard, New York University School of Medicine
"Visualizing Ligand-Induced Signal Propagation in the TCR-Signaling Complex"

Jeanne B. Lawrence, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester
"Is Chromosome Therapy Possible for Down Syndrome and Other Karyotypic Imbalances?"

Joseph A. Loo, University of California, Los Angeles
"Impact of Non-Canonical Decoding on the Proteome"

Lee Makowski, University of Chicago
"MADMAX: Precise Measurement of Conformational Changes in Proteins"

Scott R. Manalis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"High-Throughput Monitoring of Mass, Density, and Fluorescence of Single Cells"

William E. Moerner, Stanford University
"Three-Dimensional Super-Resolution Imaging in Living Cells Using Single-Molecule Active Control"

John W. Sedat, University of California, San Francisco
"Enabling High-Resolution Imaging Deep in Live Tissue with Adaptive Optics"

David F. Smith, Emory University
"Shotgun Glycomics: Linking Glycan Structure and Function"

Charles E. Stebbins, Rockefeller University
"Exploiting a Bacterial Nano-Syringe for Protein Therapeutics"

Michael H. Stowell, University of Colorado at Boulder
"Self Assembled Lipid Icosohedra for High-Throughput Membrane Protein Structure Determination"

Brian D. Strahl, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
"A High-Throughput Approach Towards Deciphering the Histone Code"

Russell N. Van Gelder, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle
"Mechanisms of Light-Mediated Protein Degradation"

Alexander J. Varshavsky, California Institute of Technology
"Split Proteins as Boolean Circuits and Drugs of a New Kind"

National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke

Karen Ashe, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
"In Search of the Molecular Basis of Memory Loss in Tauopathy"

Akira Chiba, University of Miami, Coral Gables
"Mechanical Force and Neural Regeneration"

Janis J. Daly, Case Western Reserve University
"Non-Invasive Brain-Signal Training to Induce Motor Control Recovery After Stroke"

Beverly Davidson, University of Iowa
"RNA Aptamers for Brain Delivery"

David Sretavan, University of California, San Francisco
"Microscale Axon Repair as a Novel Paradigm for Nerve Injuries"

National Institute of Mental Health

Paul Brehm, Oregon Health & Science University
"A Genetic Indicator Provides Long Term Mapping of Neuronal and Calcium Activity"

David Kleinfeld, University of California, San Diego
"Neuronal Signaling, Network Topology, and Blood Flow Dynamics in Cortex"

Todd Lencz, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
"Identifying Molecular Subtypes of Schizophrenia: A Novel Genomic Approach"

Rick C.S. Lin, University of Mississippi Medical Center
"Serotonin, Corpus Callosum, and Autism"

Joshua Ahab Maurer, Washington University in St. Louis
"Unraveling Development: New Materials for Understanding Neuronal Wiring"

Andras Jagy and Hongkui Zeng, Allen Institute for Brain Science
"Generation and Characterization of Novel and Highly Specific Neuronal Subtype TRA"

Bernardo L. Sabatini, Harvard University Medical School
"Regulation of Neuron and Synapse Function by Neuropeptides"

Yi Eve Sun, University of California, Los Angeles
"A Novel Approach to Identify Neuronal mRNA Targets for Individual microRNAs"

Michael J. Tarr, Brown University
"Using Functional Physiology to Uncover the Fundamental Principles of Visual Cortex"

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Jeff W. Bulte, Johns Hopkins University
"Developing MPI for Non-Invasive and Quantitative Imaging of Stem Cells"

Benjamin F. Cravatt, Scripps Research Institute
"Toward a Potent and Selective Inhibitor for Every Mammalian Serine Hydrolase"

Rodolfo E. Diaz, Arizona State University, Tempe
"Feasibility Demonstration of an Artificial Electrocyte for Neuronal Observation & Stimulation"

Emad N. Eskandar, Massachusetts General Hospital
"Striatal Deep Brain Stimulation for Learning Enhancement"

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This page last updated September 10, 2008