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SAMHSA News - November/December 2004, Volume 12, Number 6

Related Resources

  • The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, funded by SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, relies on 14 regional centers and an ATTC national office to upgrade the skills of current substance abuse treatment providers and get them the latest research findings. Visit www.nattc.org. The Network has also created a guide to certification requirements in all states and territories and a list of current opportunities for face-to-face educational activities at over 300 colleges and universities as well as an online guide to distance education opportunities called AddictionED.org, available at www.nattc.org/addictionEd/index.asp.

  • The national Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies, funded by SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, helps prevention practitioners put knowledge gained from research into everyday practice. Visit www.captus.org.

  • The National Technical Assistance Center for State Mental Health Planning (NTAC), run by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors and funded in part by SAMHSA's Center for Mental Health Services, provides technical assistance to help ensure that the best practices and most up-to-date information are translated into action at the state and local levels. Visit www.nasmhpd.org/ntac.cfm.

  • Information on the Annapolis Coalition on Behavioral Health Workforce Education is available at www.annapoliscoalition.org.

  • SAMHSA's Minority Fellowship Program supports racial and ethnic minority students in doctoral and postdoctoral programs in mental health and substance abuse, in partnership with the professional associations. (See SAMHSA News, Volume XI, Number 3, "Minority Fellowship Program Extends Training, Expands Treatment.") Visit www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/

  • TAP 21, Addiction Counseling Competencies: The Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Professional Practice, published by CSAT, is available online at http://tie.samhsa.gov/Taps/tap21/
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Inside This Issue

SAMHSA Launches Rapid HIV Testing Initiative
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21 States, 2 Territories Awarded Strategic Prevention Framework Grants
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The Workforce Crisis: SAMHSA's Response
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Policy Academy Strives To Improve Services for Older Adults

SAMHSA Heads Drug-Free Communities Program

Buprenorphine Update: Mentoring Program Supports Physicians Treating Opioid Addiction

TIP 39: Integrating Substance Abuse Treatment and Family Therapy

2003 Survey: Marijuana Use Drops Among Youth, Risk Perceptions Climb
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  • Chart—New Marijuana Users
  • Chart—Past-Year Perceived Need

    Helping State Agencies Weather '04 Hurricane Season

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    Preventive Services Publication Released
    New Treatment Booklet

    SAMHSA News in Print 2004 Index
  • Index A–D
  • Index E–M
  • Index N–R
  • Index S–Y

    SAMHSA News

    SAMHSA News - November/December 2004, Volume 12, Number 6

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