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2007 Rating

Land and Resources

Pie chart showing Land and Resources components
Indicator Key

About this Indicator

This indicator summarizes the status of conditions that address the conservation of land and other natural resources in King County. The land and resources included in this indicator are generally ones that King County's Department of Natural Resources and Parks seeks to improve through its program and service delivery. While DNRP can track certain aspects of agriculture and forestry protection and productivity, we have the ability to only periodically track levels of forest cover and imperviousness and have no regular or comprehensive way to track and understand changes in terrestrial/land-based biota (plants and animals).


Agriculture and forestry productivity and protection levels in King County are generally stable and near their targeted levels. Currently there are 41,150 acres of zoned farmland in the county, some of which is not farmable due to wetlands, steep slopes and other conditions. The development rights on 13,208 agricultural acres have been purchased through the Farmland Preservation Program.

Forest protection levels remain at or near targets, with about 30% of the rural acres covered by stewardship plans or enrolled in incentive programs.

Influencing factors

A wide range of State and Federal policies, economic conditions, and the decisions of individual property owners affect the land and resources conservation practices here. Markets for agricultural and timber products, priorities of landowners, conservation incentives of the Farm Bill, and consumer preferences all bear on landowner decisions that affect conservation.

Budget allocations, regulatory and policy changes all play a role in land conservation and acquisition activities. The ability of the Farmland Preservation Program to purchase development rights depends on the available funding and farmland values vary widely depending on the location of the farm in the county.

DNRP response

DNRP has been advancing a range of innovative programs to encourage and support the conservation of land and resources in King County. These include:
  • Puget Sound Fresh;
  • Transfer of Development Rights program;
  • Local Action on Biodiversity;
  • The Farmland Preservation Program; and
  • Various Forest Conservation programs

What you can do:

Landowners interested in improving conservation practices have a range of useful; resources to draw upon. Important actions may include: As a consumer in King County, you can help maintain the viability of local agriculture by purchasing from local farmers, see: More information about King County's Land and Resources indicators is available by continuing to these indicators:

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We welcome your feedback and suggestions to improve this site, such as:

  • Other reliable environmental data sources for King County
  • Adjustments to the weightings for indicators and performance measures
  • Mistakes to fix

Share your thoughts by sending an e-mail to Richard Gelb, DNRP Performance Measurement Lead, at so your input can be considered for subsequent updates.

Updated: July 7, 2008