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People at CNLS

Executive Committee
Alexander, Frank ( - CCS-3
Bettencourt, Luis ( - T-7
Bishop, Alan ( - AD-TSC
Chertkov, Misha ( - T-13
Ecke, Robert ( - T-CNLS
Hlavacek, William ( - T-10
Saxena, Avadh ( - T-11
Shreve, Andrew ( - MST-CINT
Swart, Pieter ( - T-7
Timmermans, Eddy ( - CNLS
Tretiak, Sergei ( - T-12
Wingate, Beth ( - CCS-2

Office Support Staff
Executive Administrator: Vigil, Elissa (Ellie) (ellie
Conference Coordinator: Shipman, Adam (ashipman
Vistior Liaison: Carter, Charlotte (charlotte
Receptionist: Position Open
Administrative Student: Harrison, Kelle (kramsey

CNLS System Administrator
Thompson, Donald (admin

Ecke, Robert (ecke

Deputy Director
Timmermans, Eddy (eddy

Ulam Scholar
Pomeau, Yves

Postdoctoral Research Associates
Alexandrov, Boian - T-11/CNLS
Bandi, Mahesh ( - MPA-10/CNLS
Bel, Golan( - CCS-2/CNLS
Grigorenko, Ilya ( - T-11/CNLS
Gröger, Roman ( - T-11/CNLS
Guclu Hasan ( - CNLS, Director Funded Fellow
Hauck, Cory ( - CCS-2/CNLS
Jeffery, Nicole ( - CCS-2/CNLS
Kalas, Ryan ( - T-4/CNLS
Kilina, Svetlana ( - T-12/CNLS
Maniadis, Panagiotis ( - T-14/CNLS
Monine, Michael ( - T-10/CNLS
Munsky, Brian - CCS-3/CNLS, Director Funded Fellow
Roberts, David ( - T-13/CNLS, Feynman Fellow
Rodriguez, Marko ( - T-7/CNLS Director Funded Fellow
Santhi, Nandakishore ( - T-13/CNLS
Sengupta, Pinaki ( - T-11/CNLS
Shen, Tongye ( - T-10/CNLS
Sinitsyn, Nikolai ( - CCS-3/CNLS, Director Funded Fellow
Solenov, Dmitri - T-4/CNLS, Director Funded Fellow
Tao, Jianmin ( - T-11/CNLS
Teodorescu, Razvan ( - T-13/CNLS, Director Funded Fellow
Vrugt, Jasper ( - T-7/EES-6/CNLS, Oppenheimer Fellow
Yard, Jon ( - CCS-3/CNLS
Yu, Huidan ( - CCS-2/CNLS
Zhang, Ming ( - T-10/CNLs
Zhu, Jian-Zhou ( - T-7/CNLS
Zilman, Anton ( - T-10/CNLS, Director Funded Fellow

2008 Summer Students
Albert, Victor - T-12/CNLS
Balogh, Ferenc - T-13/CNLS
Chilappagari, Shashi - T-13/CNLS
Dilfey, Seth - T-11/CNLS
Gintautas, Vadas - T-7/CNLS
Gutfraind, Alexander "Sasha" - D-6/T-13/CNLS
Ham, Michael - T-7/CNLS
Hanson, Josh - T-11/CNLS
He, Meiyun - CCS-2/CNLS
Herrera, Mark - T-7/CNLS
Kalay, Ziya - T-13/CNLS
Ketelsen, Christian - T-7/CNLS
Kroc, Lucas - T-13/CNLS
Law, Kody - T-11/CNLS
Shashkov, Misha - CCS-3/CNLS
Shin, Jinwoo - T-13/CNLS
Smith, Amber - T-10/CNLS
Snoeberger, Robert - T-12/CNLS
Soysal, Onur - CCS-3/CNLS
Velizhanin, Kirill - T-14/CNLS
Vucelja, Marija - T-13/CNLS
Wu, Chao - T-12/CNLS
Wu, Yilin - T-7/CNLS
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