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Corpus Christi, TX

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Fire Weather Forecasts
Corpus Christi
San Antonio
Spot Forecasts
(if needed)
Agencies - Request a Spot Forecast!

Corpus Christi
San Antonio
Red Flag Warnings
(if needed)
Corpus Christi
San Antonio
Drought Analysis
Tx. PDSI Index
U.S. PDSI Index
Standardized Precip Index
Soil Moisture Anomaly
Chandler Burning
Tx. Outdoor Burn Bans
Wildfire Danger
Tx. Keetch-Byram
U.S. Keetch-Byram
Drought Information
What's a Drought?
What's the PDSI
U.S. Drought Monitor
Drought Forecasts
Wkly Palmer Stat.

The objective of the Fire Weather Program is to provide meteorological support to wildland fire management agencies for the protection of life and property. This support includes warnings, forecasts, on-site services during wildfires, and meteorological training for fire fighters.


    Red Flag Warning - A Red Flag Warning is issued when forecast weather conditions together with existing environmental conditions could result in extreme fire behavior or, as in the case of dry lightning, extensive fire starts within the next 12 hours.

    Fire Weather Watch - A Fire Weather Watch is issued when forecast weather conditions together with existing environmental conditions may result in extreme fire behavior or, as in the case of dry lightning, extensive fire starts within the next 12 to 36 hours.

    Presuppression Forecast - Issued once or twice daily during the fire season, this is a narrative forecast of upcoming weather conditions which is used in planning for suppression of wildfires.

    National Fire Danger Rating Forecasts - Point forecasts issued for selected observation sites. These forecasts are used as input for the National Fire Danger Rating System which generates indexes which are used in determining fire danger for a given area and to plan for the necessary human and other resources needed to fight wildfires.

    Spot Forecasts - These site specific forecasts are issued at the request of user agencies. They are generally used for the planning and safe control of prescribed burns. Spot forecasts may also be requested by fire managers planning the suppression of a wildfire.


    Weather is one of the most significant factors in determining the severity of wildland fires. The spread rate and intensity of fires is directly rated to the wind speed, temperature and relative humidity. Climatic conditions such as long term drought also play a major role in the number and intensity of wildfires. Accurate and timely weather information is vital to the planning and execution of strategies for suppressing wildfires. An accurate weather forecast can mean life or death to a fire fighter and is also critical in protecting forest and range lands as well as the increasing number of homes in the wildland urban interface.