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Mars Odyssey
The Mapping Mission Begins

Friday, March 1
11 a.m. (Pacific)

Click here for the archived webcast. 

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Before the briefing, we will be streaming NASA TV.

The first images and science results from NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft, which is currently in orbit around the red planet, will be unveiled at a briefing from JPL.

Presenters include:

Dr. Michael Meyer, Odyssey program scientist from NASA Headquarters

Dr. R. Stephen Saunders, Odyssey project scientist from JPL

Dr. Philip Christensen, principal investigator for the camera system, Arizona State University, Tempe

Dr. William Boynton, principal investigator for the gamma ray spectrometer suite, University of Arizona, Tucson

Dr. Francis Cucinotta, principal investigator for the Martian radiation environment experiment, Johnson Space Center, Houston

Roger Gibbs, Odyssey deputy project manager from JPL

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