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Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (Grace)
Mission Science Briefing
from NASA Headquarters

Originally webcast March 7, 2002 -- 11 a.m. (Pacific)
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artist's concept of Grace
The twin GRACE satellites are scheduled to be launched Saturday, March 16, from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Russia on a five-year mission to precisely map Earth's gravity field.
Visit the Grace home page for more information.

Participants include:

Dr. Ghassem R. Asrar, Associate Administrator for Earth Science, NASA Headquarters

Dr. Byron Tapley, Grace principal investigator, Center for Space Research, University of Texas

Dr. Michael Watkins, Grace project scientist, JPL

Ralf Huber, head, Washington Office, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft und Rumfahrt (DLR) -- German Aerospace Center

Dr. John L. LaBrecque, Manager, Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Program, NASA Headquarters


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