Supportive Services

Supportive services are provided to assist older adults to remain independent and enjoy a healthier lifestyle and social interaction.  If you would like to see what supportive services are in which county, please view the OAA services provider index.

Transportation - Provision of a means of going from one location to another. Does not include any other activity.

Outreach - Intervention initiated by an agency or organization for the purpose of identifying potential clients and encouraging their use of existing services and benefits.

Counseling - professional counseling provided through the OAA provider by a contract or volunteer professional counselor, either individual or group.

Shopping assistance - Providing assistance in the purchase of food, clothing, medical supplies, household items, and/or recreational materials for a client. 

Nutrition education - A program to promote better health by providing accurate and culturally sensitive nutrition, physical fitness, or health information and instruction to participants ( and their care-givers, if applicable) in a group or individual setting overseen by a dietitian or individual of comparable expertise.

Chore services - Providing assistance to persons having difficulty with one or more of the following instrumental activities of daily living; heavy housework, yard work or sidewalk maintenance.

Eligibility for these services: A client must be over 60 years of age.