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Updated 12 October, 2003

A Plan for a New Science Initiative
on the Global Water Cycle
Appendix B
Scientists who Provided Comments on the Report
Report to the USGCRP from the Water Cycle Study Group,  2001




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The Water Cycle Study Group is indebted to many scientists who commented on draft material for this report. We did not capture the names of all those who participated in Town Hall meetings, and we can but thank them anonymously. We thank all those who engaged in discussions at the meeting at the Bolger Center and who provided written comments. We believe that the quality of the report was improved through these interactions. The responsibility for the content of the report lies with the Study Group, however, and no criticism for it should attach to those who helped by commenting on draft material.

  • Robert Adler
  • John Albertson
  • Saud Amer
  • Fairley J. Barnes
  • John Bates
  • Hugo Berbery
  • David Bosch
  • Kaye Brubaker
  • Bill Capehart
  • Rit Carbone
  • Christopher L. Castro
  • Thomas Croley II
  • Arden Davis
  • Don DePaolo
  • Chris Duffy
  • Dara Entekhabi
  • Wanda R. Ferrell
  • John Furlow
  • Kevin Gallo
  • Aris P. Georgakakos
  • David Goodrich
  • Arnold Gruber
  • David Farrell
  • John Gille
  • Peter Groffman
  • Paul Houser
  • Bob Hirsch
  • Steve Hu
  • Steven Hunter
  • Tom Jackson
  • L. Douglas James
  • Mike Jasinski
  • Douglas L. Kane
  • Jinwon Kim
  • William Kirby
  • Umanu Lall
  • Rick Lawford
  • John A. Leese
  • David M. Legler
  • Bill Lewis
  • Gene Likens
  • Ed Link
  • Brent Lofgren
  • Danny Marks
  • Dick Marzolf
  • Dave Mathews
  • Tilden P. Meyers
  • Norman Miller
  • M. Miller
  • Chris Milly
  • Mitchell Moncrieff
  • Pierre Morel
  • Pat Mulholland
  • Sumant Nigam
  • Roger Pulwarty
  • Al Rango
  • Walter Rawls
  • Rick Rosen
  • Clinton M. Rowe
  • Mike Sale
  • John Schaake
  • Robert A.Schiffer
  • Mark Seyfried
  • Steven R. Shafer
  • Steven C. Sherwood
  • Peter Schultz
  • John Selker
  • Jim Shuttleworth
  • Caitlin F. Simpson
  • Everett P. Springer
  • Jean Steiner
  • Pamela L. Stephens
  • Paul Stern
  • Paul Try
  • Paul Twitchel
  • Sushel Unninayar
  • Tom von der Haar
  • Jack Waide
  • Kathy Watson
  • Robert S. Webb
  • Kris Wernstedt
  • Bob Wetzel
  • Eric Wood
  • Evgeney Yarosh


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