Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  8/11/04

Series:    Organization

Part 145:  National Park Service

Chapter 3:  Office of the Director


Originating Office:   National Park Service


145 DM 3


3.1     Director.  The Director plans and directs all Service activities within prescribed laws and Departmental policies, regulations, and procedures.  The Director provides direct oversight and guidance to the Deputy Directors, the Comptroller, the Associate to the Director, the Office of Policy, the Office of Legislative and Congressional Affairs, the Office of Communications and Public Affairs, and the Office of Equal Opportunity.


3.2     Deputy Directors.  There are two Deputy Directors who plan and direct activities of the National Park Service with the Director.  They provide direct oversight and guidance to the Associate Directors, Regional Directors, and the Chief, United States Park Police.  In the Director's absence, one serves as Acting Director.  The Deputy Directors provide direct oversight and guidance to the Office of Strategic Planning, the Office of International Affairs, the Chief Information Officer, and the American Indian Liaison Office.


3.3     Office of the Director.  The following organizations assist the Director in planning and directing Service activities.


          A.      Office of the Comptroller.   The Comptroller is the Chief Financial Officer for the National Park Service and supervises the Accounting Operations Center, Office of Budget and the Office of Property and Space Management.  The Comptroller has Servicewide responsibility for:  managing personal property; financial and program reviews conducted by the General Accounting Office and Inspector General; acquisition and use of leased space; and postal services.  The Comptroller is also responsible for audit liaison and management accountability.  These functions include methods for tracking and measuring performance accountability, such as management control reviews, General Accounting Office (GAO) and Inspector General (IG) audit support, and GAO and IG reporting requirements.  This is a staff function that provides liaison and coordination related to the management control review process and NPS responses and necessary follow up to audit reports done by the Inspector General and General Accounting Office.


                    (1)     Accounting Operations Center.  Fiscal and accounting services are handled through the Accounting Operations Center.  This national program center, located in Herndon, VA, provides accounting services for all NPS locations, including fund and transaction reconciliations, debt collection, revenue distributions, expenditure transfers, internal and external financial reports, and computer systems in support of financial operations; and fiscal services for all NPS locations, including obligation and payment functions for all NPS operations and grant programs.  It also develops Servicewide financial policies and procedures, conducts and coordinates financial operations and regulatory compliance reviews, and collaborates with other bureaus, the Department, and other agencies to develop and implement improved or new financial programs.


                   (2)     Budget Office.  The budget activities include formulation of the National Park Service's annual budget request, allocation and monitoring of appropriated funds Servicewide, collaboration on the preparation of the Chief Financial Officer's Report, and allocation and monitoring of FTEs.


                   (3)     Property and Space Management.  This office is responsible for formulating Servicewide programs including personal and real property management, motor vehicle, and central supply management programs policies and procedures.  This office is also responsible for directing the design and specifications of Servicewide automated property accountability systems.  Included in this office is the NPS leasing officer, who prescribes and oversees policies and procedures governing the acquisition, utilization, and disposal of leased space for official use by park units and other NPS organizational elements.


B.      Associate to the Director.  The Associate to the Director serves as the Director=s primary liaison officer with organizational elements of the National Park Service and other external organizations.  This includes consulting with the Department, Congressional committee staffs, officials of other branches of the Federal Government, officials of State and local governments, and partnership groups and others within the private sector.  The Associate Director also serves as an advisor on policy, determining issues and related matters of a confidential and administrative support nature.


          C.      Office of Policy.  This office coordinates the preparation, analysis, review, and communication of policies throughout the National Park Service.  It provides principal staff support to the National Leadership Council and the National Park System Advisory Board, and provides Servicewide coordination and oversight of charters and appointments for all other advisory and operating committees. 


          D.      Office of Legislative and Congressional Affairs.  This office is responsible for the development, coordination, and implementation of the National Park Service's legislative affairs program, including Congressional relations.


          E.       Office of Communications and Public Affairs.  This office is responsible for developing National Park Service public information policies, implementing Departmental communication policies, and preparing national level media information and public information programs.


          F.       Office of Equal Opportunity.  This office is responsible for developing, directing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the Service Equal Opportunity Program including affirmative employment, work force diversity management, special emphasis programs, EEO complaints processing, counseling, resolution, civil rights, accessibility, and other related initiatives.


          G.      Office of Strategic Planning.  This office coordinates the evaluation of present and future trends that influence the Service's planning, development, protection, and management decisions and develops strategies and recommendations for Servicewide resolution of issues that cross organizational lines.  It coordinates the Servicewide implementation of performance management and the preparation of Government Performance and Results Act required strategic plans, annual performance plans, and annual performance reports.


H.      Office of International Affairs.  This office is responsible for developing, managing, and coordinating the Service=s international mandates and programs.  The office is also the primary contact for other bureaus, agencies, foreign governments, and international and private organizations on international activities and matters related to the Service.


          I.        Chief Information Officer.  The Chief Information Officer (CIO) reports to the Deputy Director and is a member of the National Leadership Council.  The CIO is responsible for providing advice, policy, and guidance to the Director and to NPS management on all aspects of information management and technology, including human resources (training, certification guidelines, skill enhancement, etc.), planning and budgeting as it impacts information management and technology within the NPS.  The CIO responsibilities include:


                    (1)     Representing the NPS on all information technology and information management related matters with the public, private industry, Department, OMB and the Congress.


                    (2)     Managing the National Information Systems Center (NISC) which provides assistance, support and guidance on the design, development and implementation of all NPS applications; the National Information Technology Center which provides assistance, support and guidance on the design development and implementation of all technology related infrastructure in the NPS; and providing technical direction and oversight to all IT related personnel in the NPS at both the Washington and field levels.


                    (3)     Managing the NPS wireless telecommunications program. This program involves formulating policies, standards, and procedures for the acquisition and use of wireless communications technology and the utilization of radio spectrum resources.  It provides national leadership, direction, coordination, and support for agency wireless telecommunications networks, including the development of national technical and engineering standards, operating, management, and maintenance procedures and works for inter-connectivity with other forms of telecommunications that provide for dispatch support to field personnel.  It represents the Service on all matters pertaining to spectrum resources and technical standards proposed or required by the Department and/or the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.


                    (4)     Developing and maintaining a process for ensuring that all IT related expenses are properly accounted for through the exhibit 53 and exhibit 300s.


                    (5)     Providing oversight and approval of all NPS IT expenditures from any source of funding, including, but not limited to appropriated funds, donations, etc., as outlined by the budgetary and financial procedures and processes established by the Director and the Comptroller’s Office.  This includes an in-depth review based on architectural standards, DOI and NPS goals and mission and outstanding NPS standards. The CIO reviews and concurs on all IT contracts developed anywhere in the NPS organization and outside contractors/services.


                    (6)     Coordinating Servicewide IT security initiatives with the regions and program offices, such as implementation of certified and accredited systems, development of IT security and contingency of operation plans and secure, effective and efficient management of NPS IT resources.


                    (7)     Developing an on-going program for monitoring regions and program offices for compliance with NPS IT policies and procedures and identifying weaknesses for mitigation.


                    (8)     Developing policies, procedures and standards for managing all NPS IT infrastructure assets, including local area networks, wide-area network coordination, and voice functions.


                    (9)     Managing the NPS geographic information systems program, and associated technologies, and its relationship to other bureaus within the DOI and to the federal IT community.


                    (10)   Developing and maintaining an IT information technology strategic plan for review and approval by NPS senior management officials.


                    (11)   Coordinating the NPS IT investment process and ensuring that all major IT efforts have been reviewed and approved by NPS management.


                    (12)   Developing and maintaining policies, procedures and standards for all web development in the NPS, including management of all Servicewide portals; reviewing and approving all NPS websites before they are deemed operational for content, format and function; and providing oversight and monitoring to ensure that all NPS websites are maintained in a functional manner.


                    (13)   Managing the NPS library function and providing oversight and guidance on all aspects of the records management functions.


          J.       American Indian Liaison Office.  This office assists field and program managers in carrying out relationships with American Indian Tribes and Alaska Native groups on a government-to-government basis.  It educates field and program managers on Indian Self-Determination, Tribal Self-Governance, and effective means of working with tribes.


8/11/04 #3643

Replaces 10/1/02 #3528