MedlinePlus Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- General questions
- What is MedlinePlus? Answer
- Can you give me some statistics on MedlinePlus? Answer
- Can you tell me how to cite MedlinePlus pages? Answer
- How often is MedlinePlus updated? Answer
- Is the material on MedlinePlus copyrighted? Answer
- Using MedlinePlus
- What are the features of the new and improved Health Topic pages? Answer
- How can I get my library listed on the MedlinePlus libraries page? Answer
- How do I find information about my disease or condition? Answer
- How do I find the most current research information on my disease/medical condition? Answer
- I found my topic on MedlinePlus, but I really needed treatment information and there wasn't any listed. Where should I look now? Answer
- I'm not sure how to spell the name of my disease/medical condition. How do I find it in MedlinePlus? Answer
- What is Go Local? Answer
- Why isn't my topic on MedlinePlus? Answer
- How we select information
- How can I locate materials on MedlinePlus that are easy to read? Answer
- How do Web sites get listed in MedlinePlus? Answer
- I saw a news article on MedlinePlus but now I can't find it. What happened to it? Can you give me more information about its source and the subjects covered? Answer
- The Web site I usually go to for health information isn't listed on MedlinePlus. Why? Answer
- How do I get the full-text of articles I find in my MEDLINE/PubMed search? Answer
- What is the difference between MedlinePlus and MEDLINE/PubMed? Answer
- Where can I find more information on searching MEDLINE/PubMed? Answer
- Why can't I find the article I'm looking for in MedlinePlus? Answer
- Technical questions
- Can I download a tutorial to use on my computer? Answer
- Do I need permission to link to MedlinePlus from my Web site? Answer
- Do you have a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) service for MedlinePlus? Answer
- How is the What's New on MedlinePlus page and RSS feed different from the E-mail Lists? Answer
- I'd like to link to MedlinePlus, but only if I can frame it. Why don't you allow this? Answer
- Other health information questions
- What is a clinical trial? Answer
- Where can I find information on doctors or hospitals? Answer
- Where else can I find health information on the Internet? Answer