Other Resources
- Libraries
- Consumer health libraries providing services to local residents
- Organizations
- A collection of organizations providing health information
- Organizations in alphabetical order
- Organizations
grouped by health topic
- Government health sites from other nations
- Consumer health resources from NHS Direct (UK), Public Health Agency of Canada (Canada) and HealthInsite (Australia)
- Databases
- Resources beyond MedlinePlus covering special topics and collections
- MEDLINE/PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's database of references
to more than 16 million articles published in 5200 biomedical journals. When you
search MEDLINE/PubMed:
- You will find information about articles on your topic (the author, title of the article, name of the journal, date published, page numbers)
- Many of the listings also have short summaries of the article (abstracts)
- Sometimes you will find a link to the full article
Please note that most of the articles you will find listed in MEDLINE/PubMed are
written for health professionals. Articles are for educational use only and are not
intended to replace advice from a health professional.