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Latest Huancayo CONDOR Campaign Ionogram

Note: Many items of the ionogram image are supplied with pop-up text giving brief explanations, and hyperlinks to more detailed statements. To use all options provided by the links, you should have a Java-enabled Internet browser.

EP (degrees) is a phase-error estimate in
the least-squares solution for
six echo parameters based on  phase values (16 at Tromso, 8 at Bear Lake)
provided by a pulset.
            Click for details. (Magnetic) Eastward component
of echolocation, XL, in km.
     Click for details. (Magnetic) Northward component
of echolocation, YL, in km.
     Click for details. Echo line-of-sight "Doppler" (or phase-range
speed), V* in m/s.
    Click for details. Real and virtual ranges, R and R', in km.
       Click for details. Dynasonde ionograms are presented in
a log-log coordinate system.
       Click for details. Dynasonde ionograms are presented in
a log-log coordinate system.
       Click for details. Dynasonde ionograms are presented in
a log-log coordinate system.
       Click for details. Echoes are organized into "traces"
by a physics-based classification process.
       Click for details. On a secondary Y-axis, the echo decibel
amplitude dBe (colour), the pulset mean
noise level dBn (black dots) and Top50
reference curve are plotted versus radio
       Click for details. Station name and location. Universal date and time of the ionogram. Local Time Zone. Mode of sounding. "Top50" reference amplitude curve,
presumed free of collisional and "anomalous"
attenuation. Click for details. Echoes that escaped trace
classification are marked
as black dots in the ionogram. Plasma frequency as a function of
"true" range, by POLAN. Trace numbers as assigned during
classification. Meaning of
special symbols in the legend:
  * - trace enabled for POLAN,
  < - trace forbidden for POLAN.
      Click for details.
  Archive of ionogram images
  Tutorial description of dynasonde data analysis
  Cumulative analysis output files
      Plain text data tables
      Advanced data display with interactive features
  Ionospheric parameters for the latest ionogram
  Echoes from the latest ionogram in 3D
  Vector velocities from the latest ionogram in 3D

Specific questions? Please contact:
Bill Wright - Observations & Data Analysis 
Nick Zabotin - Data Analysis