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Title   LinkRaDiUS [electronic resource]
Published   RAND.
Abstract   RaDiUS allows users to casually browse or systematically search the contents of the federal R&D portfolio. Starting from agency-level R&D activities (Level 1), RaDiUS lets users drill down through the various bureaucratic levels of each federal agency, passing sequentially through the bureau (Level 2), program (Level 3), and project (Level 4) levels to view the individual awards and tasks (Level 5). Includes a User handbook, Glossary of Terms and Sources of Data guide. Some data is restricted to certain agencies and persons.
Issuing Body   RaDiUS was developed by RAND, in cooperation with the National Science Foundation (NSF), to support the work of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), federal agencies, and all others interested in the federal R&D portfolio.
Subject   LinkResearch -- United States -- Databases
  LinkResearch grants -- United States -- Databases
  LinkFederal aid to research -- United States
  LinkGrants-in-aid -- United States
Other Author   LinkRand Corporation
Other Title   RAND database of research & development in the U.S.
  Database of Federally Funded Research and Development in the U.S.
  Research and Development in the U.S.
Format   Online resource
Record Number   001338081
ONLINE ACCESS:   https://radius.rand.org/ 

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