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September 14, 2007


Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Ministerial to be Held Sunday, September 16, 2007 in Vienna
U.S., China, Russia, France and Japan to Chair Second GNEP Ministerial

VIENNA, AUSTRIA – U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman will co-chair the second Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) Ministerial on Sunday, September 16, 2007in Vienna , Austria , with partner countries: China , France , Japan , and Russia .


The second GNEP Ministerial aims to further international cooperation in expanding the use of clean, safe nuclear power worldwide through the development and deployment of advanced technology.  New member countries will join the United States , China , France , Japan and Russia in attending the ministerial and signing the GNEP Statement of Principles, which establishes broad guidelines for participation and provides a framework for all future involvement in GNEP.  The first GNEP Ministerial, held on May 21, 2007 brought together some of the leading nuclear fuel cycle states to discuss GNEP and senior energy officials from China , France , Japan , Russia and the United States

issued a joint statement in support of the GNEP and nuclear energy cooperation.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman
Over 30 Ministers from GNEP Partner Countries, Candidate Countries and other Observing Nations and International Organizations


Opening Session for the 2nd Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Ministerial, followed by a Signing Ceremony and Press Conference


Sunday, September 16, 2007
10:00AM – 11:30AM local time
Opening Session, Hall E
11:45PM – 12:30PM local time
Signing Ceremony and Press Conference,
Hall F


The Austria Center
Hall E and Hall F
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
A-1220 Vienna

CREDENTIALING NOTE – THE GNEP Ministerial will honor IAEA credentials. Members of the press wishing to attend the GNEP Ministerial must pre-register with the IAEA in order to gain access to the event. Registration can be done online or email Ms. Evelyn Prinz-Ortiz (TBD email) or call +43-1-2600-21276.

Members of the press will be required to present a valid press I.D. and credentials at the accreditation counter, which will be open from 8:30AM to 2:00PM on Sunday, September 16, 2007.

TV crews arriving by car can park in West Parkplatz of Austria Centre and should inform Ms. Evelyn Prinz-Ortiz, (tel.: +43-1-2600-21276), in advance, of your names, affiliations and license plate numbers. Advance notice of satellite trucks is required.

Click here for IAEA Media Advisory.

Megan Barnett, (202) 586-4940



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