Fermi Science Support Center

About the FSSC

The Fermi Science Support Center (FSSC) is the Fermi mission's interface with the scientific community. The FSSC will provide data, software and documentation for the Fermi mission, and will administer the Fermi guest investigator program for NASA Headquarters. The FSSC is a constituent of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) within the Astrophysics Science Division at the Goddard Space Flight Center.

The FSSC Members

David Band - User Support Section Manager
Sandy Barnes - Administration
Jerry Bonnell - Science Simulation, EPO
Jim Chiang - Representative to LAT
Analia Cillis - Programmer
Valerie Connaughton - Representative to GBM
Robin Corbet - Operations Section Manager
Dave Davis - Data Analysis/Software Support Section Manager
Masaharu Hirayama - LAT Scientist
Don Horner - Test Lead
Marilyn Mix - Operations Software
J.D. Myers - Webmaster
James Peachey - SAE Code Co-Architect
Chris Shrader - FSSC Manager
Tom Stephens - Databases Lead
John Vernaleo - Programmer
Eric Winter - Programmer