Licensing of Commercial Remote Sensing Satellite Systems
Welcome to NOAA's Web Site on the Licensing of Commercial Remote Sensing Satellite
Systems. This Web Site is intended to provide U.S. laws, regulations, policies,
and related information pertaining to the operation of commercial remote sensing
satellite systems.
Pursuant to the 1992 Land Remote Sensing Policy Act and Administration policy on
foreign access to remote sensing space capabilities, responsibilities have been
delegated from the Secretary of Commerce to the Assistant Administrator for NOAA
Satellite and Information Services (NOAA/NESDIS) for the licensing of companies
to operate private space-based remote sensing systems.
NOAA/NESDIS encourages consultation meetings with potential applicants before a
license application is submitted. These meetings will be informal and are not considered
part of the agency record of an application.
For questions, additional information, or to arrange for a pre-application consultation,
please contact Kay Weston, Chief of the Satellite Activities Branch, at (301) 713-2024
x205 or by e-mail at NOAA.CRSL@noaa.gov