Troops detain suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq leader

Iraqi and U.S. Special Operations Forces detain a suspected al-Qaeda leader in Iraq.

Golden Nori released

Merchant Vessel Golden Nori is currently underway after pirates departed the vessel Dec. 12. Dock landing ship USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41) is in the vicinity and standing by to provide assistance to the crew.

Iraqi Police uncover major weapons cache

Iraqi Police uncovered a major weapons cache in the Kirkuk province of Iraq Dec. 18. The discovery was made during a series of pre-dawn raids at suspected cache sites.

Vocational technology center rehabilitated

A project to rehabilitate the basic infrastructure of the Iskandiriyaha Vocational Technology Center is now completed.

Several militants killed during Afghan, Coalition forces operations in Helmand

Several militants were killed during a precision-guided munitions strike Monday in Helmand Province targeting a Taliban command and control network. Coalition forces conducted a precision-guided munitions strike in the Kajaki District of Helmand Province targeting a Taliban commander believed to be facilitating the movement of foreign fighters and suicide bombers throughout the area.

Coalition Forces disrupt al-Qaeda in Iraq operations; five killed, 14 detained

Coalition forces killed five terrorists and detained 14 suspects during operations targeting al-Qaeda in central and northern Iraq Dec. 28, 2007.

Three power projects completed, turned over In Basrah

Army engineers continued their mission of helping the Government of Iraq jumpstart its electrical infrastructure by completing three essential power projects in the Gulf Region South district.

Troops target al-Qaeda in Iraq leadership; six suspects detained

Coalition forces detained six suspected terrorists yesterday during operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq networks along the Tigris River Valley.

No fatalities as two F/A-18s crash in Persian Gulf

PERSIAN GULF (NNS) -- Teams from USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) rescued all three aviators after an F/A-18E and an F/A-18F that crashed during operations in the Persian Gulf Jan. 7.

Defense Dept. announces Marine units for Afghanistan deployment

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Jan. 15, 2008) — The Secretary of Defense has recommended and the President has approved the deployment of additional units to Afghanistan in the spring of 2008. This extraordinary, one-time deployment involves approximately 3,200 personnel and will enable commanders in Afghanistan to enhance the training of increasingly-capable Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) to build on the military successes of 2007 and to expand the gains of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission.

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