Troops deliver items to Farah Province Women’s Center Print E-mail
CJTF 82 Public Affairs

An Afghan National Army soldier distributes food to Afghan villagers in Farah Province Jan. 26.  ANA and Coalition servicemembers distributed goods to assist the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's Department of Women's Affairs office in Farah to help poor families get through the winter. (U.S. Army Photo)
An Afghan National Army soldier distributes food to Afghan villagers in Farah Province Jan. 26. ANA and Coalition servicemembers distributed goods to assist the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's Department of Women's Affairs office in Farah to help poor families get through the winter. (U.S. Army Photo)

FARAH PROVINCE, Afghanistan (Jan. 28, 2007) — Afghan National Army Soldiers, assisted by Coalition forces, distributed food, tea and clothes to more than 350 women and children visiting the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s Women’s Affairs Department Office in downtown Farah Jan. 26.

ANA Soldiers distributed more than 1,000 pounds of flour, rice and tea. They also distributed clothes, shoes and blankets to the women and children registered with the department.  The donations will help ease the effects of the harsh winter months.

“This is a great help to us because we need this,” said Sovida, a 13-year-old seventh-grader who received flour and shoes from the ANA Soldiers.  “It is good to distribute the food through the Women’s Affairs Department because women feel comfortable here.”

“During the winter, food becomes hard to get because prices go up,” said Lailuna Sadiqi, director of the Farah Women’s Affairs office.  “This is one of the coldest winters in Farah.  We have many women who are poor and need a lot of help.” 

Sadiqi added that she was happy that the ANA was able to distribute the food at the office in Farah.  It shows that the ANA is concerned about the citizens of Farah Province and all citizens of Afghanistan.

“The ANA did a great job of providing security and organizing the distribution of aid to the women,” she said. “I look forward to working with the ANA and the Coalition soldiers again to provide more aid to the poor.”

“The ANA and the GIRoA are committed to meeting the needs of the Afghan people,” said Army Maj. Chris Belcher, Combined Joint Task Force-82 spokesman.  “Visits like this prove their commitment to helping citizens in remote areas of Afghanistan.”

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