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Farm ponds as critical habitats for native amphibians

Principal Investigators: Melinda Knutson, William Richardson, Brent Knights (Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center), Mark Sandheinrich, Dan Sutherland (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse), and Jeff Parmelee (Simpson College)

Melinda Knutson, Mark Sandheinrich, Dan Thicke, Josh Kapfer, Fred Kollmann, Jason Rohweder, Tim Fox, Brian Pember, Art Thicke, Dave Carvey, Shawn Weick, Chip Groat, Jeff Keay, Jim Nissen.

Photo from left to right: Melinda Knutson, Mark Sandheinrich, Dan Thicke, Josh Kapfer, Fred Kollmann, Jason Rohweder, Tim Fox, Brian Pember, Art Thicke, Dave Carvey, Shawn Weick, Chip Groat, Jeff Keay, Jim Nissen.

Acknowledgments: This was a truly collaborative project! We are most indebted to the private landowners and Jon Cole, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, for granting us access to the study ponds. We could not have done the work without their willing cooperation.
Major funding was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, as recommended by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources, the USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, and the USGS Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative.
Cooperators include the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, Simpson College, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
We thank Shawn Weick, Josh Kapfer, Brian Pember, James Lyon, Sam Bourassa, Joel Jahimiak, Ben Campbell, Bart Bly, Dean Jobe, Meredith Kline, Shane Jones, Andy Kimball, Kara Vick, German Musch, Richard Fox, Nick Strasser, Tom Kelly, Fred Kollmann, Jerry Cox, Tex Hawkins, John Moriarty, Mark Kunz, Mel Bower, Mike Lannoo, Carl Korschgen, and Tim Fox for their assistance.
October 9, 2003

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