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Sheldon Glashow and the Electroweak Theory

Sheldon Glashow
       Courtesy AIP Emilio Segrè Visual       
Archives, Segrè Collection

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[Sheldon] ‘Glashow shared the 1979 Nobel Prize for physics with Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam for unifying the theories of weak and electromagnetic forces. The new "electroweak" theory underlies all of particle physics and provides a framework for understanding how the early universe evolved and how the chemical elements were created. ...

"Glashow's work has been instrumental in our understanding of how our universe came into being," says Lawrence R. Sulak, chairman of the Boston University physics department. "In the years since winning the prize, Glashow has helped develop the Grand Unified Theory of all particles and all forces. Its predictions led to the construction of massive underground detectors, the refinement of the unification models, the first observation of neutrinos from a supernova, and the recent discovery that neutrinos have mass. Glashow has fueled an ongoing search for rare events and exotic effects that may shed further light on the evolution of the early universe."1

"Professor Glashow has done seminal research in the fields of elementary particle physics and cosmology. His work led to the prediction of neutral currents, charmed particles, and intermediate vector bosons, all of which were subsequently discovered by experiments. He played a key role in unifying the weak and electromagnetic forces and in creating today's successful "standard model of particle physics," as well as its more speculative generalization, "grand-unified theory." He is the author of some 300 research papers and ... Interactions (with Ben Bova, 1988), The Charm of Physics (1990), and From Alchemy to Quarks (1993)."2

"Glashow's recent research involves many aspects of particle theory, cosmology, and classical mechanics. His most recent book is From Alchemy to Quarks: The Study of Physics as a Liberal Art (Brooks/Cole, 1994)."1


Resources with Additional Information

Additional information about Sheldon Glashow and his research is available in full-text and on the Web.


Gauge Theories of Vector Particles, DOE Technical Report, April 24, 1961

Eightfold-way Assignments for Y1* (1660) and Other Baryons, DOE Technical Report, December 4, 1962; Physical Review Letters, Vol. 10 , Issue 5: 192-196, March 1, 1963

Divergences of Massive Yang-Mills Theories; Physical Review D, Vol. 3, Issue 4: 1043–1045, February 15, 971

Possible Non-Regge Behavior of Electroproduction Structure Functions; Physical Review D, Vol. 10, Issue 5: 1649–1652, September 1, 1974

Towards a Unified Theory: Threads in a Tapestry; Review of Modern Physics, Vol. 52, Issue 3: 539–543, July 1980 (Nobel Lecture)


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