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Finding 06-01


Define and state the purpose of “Reference Sites”


Finding 03-01


Letter “100 B/C Ecological Risk Pilot Project


Finding 02-02


Letter “Hanford Site Biological Resource Management Plan” (per numbering scheme this should be 02-01)

Finding 02-01


See Finding 02-02


Finding 01-02


Letter request finding for analysis of fall Chinook blood and tissue samples (see finding 02-02)


Finding 00-01


Concluded the Preassessment Screen Determination (PAD) for the Hanford 1100 Area (National Priority List) Site

Finding 00-02


To approve comments on the draft Hanford Site Columbia River Corridor Cleanup: Report to Congress, November 2000, DOE/RL-2000-6


Finding 99-01


Letter to the Tri-Parties: "An Invitation to Discuss Trust Resource Exposure to Organochlorine Pesticides, North Slope and the 1100 Area"

Finding 99-02


Letter to Chief, Risk Evaluation Unit of U.S. EPA: "Invitation to Discuss Feasibility of Establishing a Biological Technical Assistance Group for the Hanford Site"

Finding 99-03


Letter addressed to NEPA Compliance Office of U.S. DOE: "Request for Analysis of Geologic Source Sites"

Finding 99-04


Letter addressed to Mr. Keith Klein, Mr. Doug Sherwood, and Mr. Michael Wilson of the Tri-Party Agreement: "Recommendations for Ecological Exposure/Effects Assessment of the 200 Area"


Finding 98-01


Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS) Program Efforts to Mitigate for the Loss of Shrub-Steppe Habitat from the Construction of the Replacement Cross-Site Transfer System

Finding 98-02


Solid Waste Program's (SWP) Effort to Mitigate for the Loss of Shrub-Steppe Habitat from the Construction of the W-112 Project

Finding 98-03


Policy on Integration of Natural Resource Concerns Into Response Actions

Finding 98-04


Drafting of the Hanford Site Biological Resource Management Plan (BRMaP) and Hanford Site Biological Resource Mitigation Strategy Plan (BRMiS)

Finding 98-05


Restoration of Locally Derived Native Vegetation at the site of the former Gable Mountain Pond


Finding 97-01


Screening Assessment and Requirements for a Comprehensive Assessment

Finding 97-02


Planned Mitigation for the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility (ERDF) Phase 2 Expansion

  Last Updated: 03/19/2008 12:59 PM
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