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Hanford Natural Resource Trustee Council

US Department of Energy - www.hanford.gov
Representative: Dana Ward - (dana_c_ward@rl.gov) - (509) 372-1261  
Representative: Al Hawkins - (Albert_R_Al_Hawkins@rl.gov) - (509) 539-0467

US Department of Interior - www.doi.gov

Fish and Wildlife Service - www.fws.gov
Representative: Jim Hansen - (jim_Hansen@fws.gov) - (509)893-8034

Nez Perce Tribe - http://www.nezperce.org/~erwm/
Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Department
Representative: Gabe Bohnee - (gabeb@nezperce.org) - (208) 843-7375 - Chair 
Representative: Dan Landeen - (danl@nezperce.org) - (208) 843-7375 - Vice Chair 

State of Oregon - www.energy.state.or.us/nucsafe/nucsafe.htm 
Representative:Paul Shaffer (Paul.Shaffer@state.or.us)
Alternate:John Gear (John.Gear@state.or.us) - 503-378-5584

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation - www.umatilla.nsn.us
Representative: Stuart Harris - (stuartharris@cturi.com) - (541) 966-2408
Representative: Barbara Harper - (CTUIR.bharper@Amerion.com) - (541) 966-2408
State of Washington - access.wa.gov

Department of Ecology - http://www.ecy.wa.gov/
Representative: Larry Goldstein - (lgol461@ecy.wa.gov) - (360) 407-6573 

Department of Fish and Wildlife - http://wdfw.wa.gov/
Representative: Charlene Andrade - (andracaa@dfw.wa.gov)

Yakama Nation
Representative: Jay McConnaughey - (j.mccon@verizon.net) - (509) 945-4797 

Other Participants 

US Environmental Protection Agency -
Representative: Larry Gadbois - (gadbois.larry@epamail.epa.gov) - (509) 376-9884 

State of Washington - Department of Ecology
Representative: John Price - (Remedial Actions) - (jpri461@ecy.wa.gov) -
(509) 736-3029 
Representative: Beth Rochette - (broc461@ecy.wa.gov)

  Last Updated: 03/03/2008 01:55 PM
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