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Petrovitsky Corridor
Governance Options Study

>> View: Petrovitsky Corridor Governance
Options Study

Petrovitsky Background
In 2000, the King County Office of Regional Policy and Planning conducted a governance options study for an area of unincorporated King County located southeast of Renton. The area, referred to as the Petrovitsky Corridor for the purposes of the study, includes the neighborhoods of Fairwood, Spring Glen, Benson Hill, Cascade Vista, Lake Desire and Shady Lake among others. (see study area map at right.) The purpose of the study is to analyze the potential future governance options for the area, including annexation to the City of Renton or incorporation as a new city.

The study compares the public service levels and taxes of King County and Renton and evaluates the financial feasibility of incorporation as a new city. Examination of future governance options provides residents and businesses with valuable information about how services and taxes would change under annexation or incorporation. The study also includes a community opinion survey on the issues of annexation and incorporation and delivery of public services.

The need to discuss future annexation or incorporation options is driven by a number of different factors, including a formal request for a governance study by members of the community, and by the changing role of King County government. Since the implementation of the State Growth Management Act, King County's role is moving away from providing local services in urban areas to providing regional services to all County residents and local services only to the rural area.

Community Advisory Panel
A Community Advisory Panel (CAP) consisting of 16 citizen volunteers provided essential local information and feedback to the County to help ensure the study was responsive to the community.

Study development was also assisted by a technical review group which included City of Renton staff and fire, sewer, water and library district representatives. This group provided data and reviewed elements of the study.

Related Links
* General information on governance and annexation/incorporation:
>> Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington
>> Washington State Growth Management Program (external link)
>> Countywide Planning Policies, Updated 1999
>> King County's 1994 Comprehensive Plan, with '99 Updates

* Community information:
>> Fairwood Library
>> City of Renton

* Examples of Recent King County Governance Studies:
>> West Hill
>> North Highline
>> Sammamish

For More Information
Contact Michael Thomas, via e-mail at or by phone at (206) 205-0720.

Study Area Map

Map of Petrovitsky Corridor governance study area
Map of Petrovitsky Corridor Governance Sutdy Area
(1,285 KB .pdf)

Study Area Facts

Approximately 39,500 (1999)

Total Housing Units:
(Approximately 15,000)

  • Single Family: 10,200
  • Multifamily: 4,450
  • Mobile Homes: 350

    Jobs within study area:

  • Project Schedule

    • Dec. 1999
      Community Advisory Panel (CAP) formed
    • Jan. 2000
      Study kick-off
    • Mar. 2000
      Community opinion survey conducted
    • April/May 2000
      Data analysis and preparation of draft report
    • June 2000
      CAP and technical group review draft report
    • July 2000
      Final report prepared and printed
    • Aug./Sept. 2000
      Final report published
    • October 19, 2000 Public Forum
      to share study results

    Updated: Feb. 4, 2003

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