Privacy Act Statement
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has the responsibility and authority for effective promotion and coordination of training programs and operations as contained in section 4117 of title 5 of the U.S. Code. Executive Order 11348 (April 20, 1967) assigns additional responsibilities to OPM to planning and promoting the development, improvement, coordination, and evaluation of training in accordance with chapter 41 of title 5 of the U.S. Code and the policy set forth in the Executive Order. Furthermore, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management is authorized to collect and use Social Security Numbers under Executive Order 9397 (November 22, 1943). Federal employees who register to take courses from are asked for their Social Security Number (SSN) as part of the registration process. The SSN is encrypted and does not appear overtly within the site. We need this piece of information so that training course records can be associated with and credited to that employee for their Federal career, regardless of agency changes, and so that an integration of information to support Government wide and agency human resource information systems can be made accurately. The SSN is needed as the unique identifying number because other people have the same name or birth date and because other identifying information, such as email address or name, may change.
Entering an SSN into the registration system is required. If an invalid SSN is entered, no guarantee can be made that complete and accurate transcripts of training courses will be integrated with other data systems or that the individual transcript of courses will follow that individual when a change of position or agency occurs.
Additional personal user information is required to register you for the site and its services. You will not be able to complete your registration without entering all of this information. This information may be used in reports to Agencies on the participation of their employees. is a government-owned service. Accordingly, sensitive employee information will be safeguarded and not shared with entities outside of the Federal government.
Potentially, disclosure of this information may be made to agencies, contractors, and other Federal agencies that administer personnel employment systems; to a law enforcement agency if OPM or an agency becomes aware of a possible violation of law; Congressional offices to respond to your requests; and/or courts and counsel during a judicial or administration proceeding.