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November 16, 2001

November is Native American History Month

White House Nominates Sean O'Keefe as New NASA Administrator

President George W. Bush yesterday announced his intention to nominate Sean O'Keefe, Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as NASA's new Administrator.

With the President's nomination and anticipated confirmation, Mr. O'Keefe will succeed Administrator Daniel S. Goldin, who resigned after nearly ten years as the agency's chief.

"I would like to offer my congratulations to Sean as he begins the nomination process to become NASA's next Administrator. I look forward to assisting in the transition of my leadership of America's space program," said Administrator Goldin. "I feel blessed to have had the unique opportunity to serve the people of this Nation in an area so tied to the hopes and dreams of all Americans. I hope that Sean will feel equally blessed when he assumes his new job. The President has nominated a man of intelligence, energy and deep integrity. I wish Sean well."

Prior to his appointment at OMB, Mr. O'Keefe was the Louis A. Bantle Professor of Business and Government Policy, an endowed chair, at the Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. He also served as the Director of National
Security Studies, a partnership of Syracuse University and Johns Hopkins University for delivery of executive education programs for senior military and civilian Department of Defense managers.

Appointed to these positions in 1996, he was previously Professor of Business Administration and Assistant to the Senior Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School at the Pennsylvania State University.

For the Dan Goldin's statement regarding O'keefe's appointment, go to: ftp://ftp.hq.nasa.gov/pub/

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