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October 12, 2001
October is Disability Awareness Month

PEP Survey Reporting Period Extended to October 19

Goddard has extended the survey reporting date for the Performance Evaluation Profile (PEP) survey until Friday, October 19. Access sheets have been given to a number of employees which allows them to access the PEP Survey form. If you have received one of these sheets, please take the time to complete the survey.

To date, 35% employees and 42% supervisors at Greenbelt have completed the OSHA Survey and 22% employees and 32% supervisors have completed the Systems Safety survey.

Top Features

Scientists Track "Perfect Storm" on Mars

NASA Technology Eyes Better Hurricane Forecasts

Next Tuesday's Facilities Master Plan Employee Workshop

Satellite Broadcast with Madeleine Albright on Goddard TV, October 16

Presentation from Inventor Dean Kamen

Key Personnel Appointment

Congratulations Goddard Quarterly Honor Award Recipients


Process Based Mission Assurance Web Service

The Technology Commercialization Office Announces Call for Proposals for the Commercial Technology Development Program