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Last updated Thursday, August 18, 2005


Diane is taking photos during her entire cruise. Please check back here daily to see new photos.

Dana took numerous photos while on the TAO/TRITON research cruise. All of her photos are posted on this web page!

Dana's Photos
Diane's Photos
Album 1 - Photos of the NOAA Ship Ka'imimoana as she begins her voyage
Album 2 - Photos of the NOAA Ship Ka'imimoana's scientists and crew at work
Album 3 - Photos of CTD testing, Scientists at work, and Clementine's mess hall
Album 4 - Photos of more Scientists at work, Dana conducting a broadcast, and Dana learning to use the winch
Album 5 - Photos of more CTD testing and deploying a weather balloon
Album 19 - CTD testing
Album 6 - Photos of the first recovery/deployment of a buoy and barnacles, barnacles, and more barnacles
Album 7 - Photos of more work with Buoys and other various experiments
Album 8 - A Special Buoy Dedication to Emory Elementary
Album 10 - Experiment results, working on the deck, staterooms and the bridge
Album 11 - RHIB at night, working on the ship, and Dana's last sunset on the Ka'imimoana.
Album 12 - The Galapagos Islands
Album 25 - Diane fishing
Album 13 - Dana returns to Emory Elementary School
Album 14 - Capitol Hill Reception hosted by
Representative Bob Filner

See other Teacher at Sea photos on the ACE-Asia Teacher At Sea and EPIC web sites!

Note for educators: The TAO/TRITON array continues to collect data and the Ka'imimoana continues to maintain the array. Please use the TAO web site, in conjunction with this web site, the lesson plans, daily logs, the videos, and the photos to educate your students about climate, El Niño, and scientific research in general.

Consider this web site, as well as the EPIC web site, a resource for teaching your students.

Many organizations and countries are involved in supporting the
TAO/TRITON Array in the Equatorial Pacific.
Primary U. S. funding is provided by The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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