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Animal Health Monitoring & Surveillance

National Animal Health Surveillance System Outlook

Issue 12, Fourth Quarter 2006

The NAHSS Outlook is an electronic communication with information about the National Animal Health Surveillance System (NAHSS) that is distributed via email to all members of Veterinary Services.  Contact the National Surveillance Unit to provide comments and suggestions for future topics.

Articles in This Issue:

NAHSS Activity Updates

Click here for updates on the NAHSS Steering Committee, the NAHRS Steering Committee, the APHIS Surveillane Symposium, and the 2005 U.S. Animal Health Report.

National Avian Health Surveillance Expands

The establishment of a system to collect avian influenza surveillance data at the national level fulfills one component of a comprehensive, coordinated, and integrated surveillance network. This surveillance system will enable APHIS to provide test data by State and summarize the number of commercial and backyard flocks tested. Read more about this system.

Swine Study Provides Snapshot of National Herd

Swine 2006 is the National Animal Health Monitoring System's (NAHMS) fourth in-depth study of the U.S. swine population. NAHMS studies provide a snapshot of the national herd in terms of health status and management practices through a series of personal interviews and on-farm biological collections. Here is more information about Swine 2006.

The OIE Disease Reporting System

To ensure transparency in animal disease reporting, each member country of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) is obligated to notify the OIE regarding the animal diseases it detects within its territory. The National Surveillance Unit collaborates with other Veterinary Services units and other USDA agencies with these disease reporting obligations. Read more about OIE reporting.

Enhanced Equine Arbovirus Surveillance

The National Surveillance Unit in July launched a new enhanced system for reporting confirmed equine cases of arbovirus-related diseases to the NAHSS Web site ( The site provides weekly updates on the number of cases of diseases associated with West Nile virus and eastern and western equine encephalitis, including U.S. distribution maps for each disease and tables showing the counties in which the cases were reported. Read the complete story.

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