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Effective Program Coordinators

The program coordinator can be a critical position in a student development program. The coordinator is often the first face a student associates with a program and is often a constant presence throughout the student's participation and beyond. This A-Z description of a program coordinator was offered by Maile Goo of the University of Hawaii.

Effective program coordinators: what to look for is a person who can…

A—advocate, activate, and administer
B—be ready, be available, be flexible, be tolerant
C—create a positive working environment
D—demonstrate effective networking
E—engage students
F—be a fiscal manager
G—care about and collect GRE scores, grades, GPAs
H—help out when difficult situations arise
I—initiate discussions
J—juggle many things with minimal complaining
K—keep tabs on policy changes
L—listen with an open ear
M—maintain a positive attitude
N—seek out networking opportunities
O—organize meetings, seminars, and special events
P—show “positive regard”
Q—as primary interface, be prepared for the many questions you will be asked
R—act responsibly
S—support object of the program, students, and all member of the team
T—be a team player
U—provide an umbrella of services
V—validate students where they are and with every victory, no matter how small
W—well define their role to minimize confusion
X—be like a xylophone-resonate!
Y—yearn for a minimal amount of day-to-day negative stressors
Z—have a zeal for what they do

This page last updated December 15, 2007