U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Question 52: Since the technical specification

"exemptions" for nuclear power reactors already apply to

locking of high radiation areas, does this "exemption"

continue to apply pursuant to 10 CFR 20.1008 (d) if a 45-cm

18-inch) survey distance is specified (in technical

specifications) versus the rule's 30-cm distance (10 CFR

20.1601 (a))?

Answer: The provisions of power reactor technical

specifications for control of high radiation areas are not

"exemptions" from the regulations. They are alternative

methods of control provided in accordance with the

provisions of 10 CFR 20.203 (c) (5). Under the revised

Part 20 these technical specifications will continue to

apply to the control of high radiation areas (but not very

high radiation areas) until they are changed. These

technical specifications refer to a high radiation area as

defined in Part 20. When revised Part 20 is implemented,

the revised definition of a high radiation area, using the

30-cm distance, will apply. Thus to determine the

boundaries of the high radiation area, the 30-cm (12-in.)

distance will be used. However, within the boundaries of

that area the less-restrictive 45-cm (18-in.) distance

specified in the technical specifications will be used to

determine whether the radiation exposure is less than,

equal to, or greater than 1,000 mR/h, the exposure rate

used in the technical specifications to define the degree

of control required. Changes in the technical

specifications to be proposed by the NRC staff will include

a change from 45 cm to 30 cm for the specified distance.

(References: 20.1601, 10 CFR 20.1602, Reactor Technical
