U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Question 445: In this example, it has been determined that

an individual is not likely to exceed 5 rems shallow dose

equivalent from any sources with the possible exception of

dose from hot particles. There is a potential that

exposure to an individual from a hot particle may occur and

that the dose to the individual from a hot particle, should

it occur, may potentially exceed 5 rems shallow dose

equivalent. In this circumstance, may the potential dose

resulting from a potential exposure to a hot particle be

disregarded for the purpose of the evaluation on the basis

that the dose is not likely to exceed 10% of the applicable

limit? Note that the scope of this question is limited to

the requirements for individual monitoring (�.1502) and

is not intended to address the general requirements for

radiological surveys (�.1501).

Answer: Yes. The fact that an individual has the

potential to receive a dose does not mean that the

individual is likely to receive the dose. [Note: It should

also be recognized that individual monitoring devices

(personal dosimeters) are not appropriate for measuring

doses from hot particles on or near the skin.] (Reference:

10 CFR 20.1502).