Amizade empowers individuals and communities through worldwide service and learning.

Amizade’s VALUES are present and interconnected on any program:
  • Community-driven service
    • Amizade has a 12-year record of cooperating with communities on service that local individuals and organizations define and direct. We not only cooperate with communities on issue identification, we also work collaboratively on project implementation, continuous evaluation, and regular improvements.
  • Deliberate learning
    • One of Amizade’s core assumptions is that context matters. We cooperate with community members and organizations to educate Amizade participants about local culture, local concerns, and local assets.
  • Intercultural immersion and exchange
    • Amizade encourages connections across cultures. Through cooperative service efforts, deliberate local learning, and in some cases, homestays, Amizade experiences ensure deep learning about cultural assumptions, worldviews, and of course the concerns and happiness that we all hold in common.
  • Consideration of Global Citizenship
    • Amizade invites all participants to reflect on fundamental human equality and how we might each work to build a world where human life is treated more equally across traditional cleavages of ethnicity, nation, class, or gender. Consideration of personal, political, and economic opportunities for enacting global citizenship provides Amizade participants with the opportunity to extend their global civic service beyond their Amizade program.
  • Reflective Inquiry
    • All of the preceding themes are woven together through a final core Amizade value, which is reflective inquiry. The questions we face when engaged in intercultural service around the world are often difficult. And it can be challenging to stay connected to global civic engagement after a short-term experience. But Amizade believes strongly that it is important to continue asking: What is service? How have I learned from others’ cultures? What do I understand better about my own? How can I value others around the world, even from my home? What are the ways I can be a good global citizen right here? These are just a few examples, but Amizade encourages reflective inquiry throughout experiences and afterward.

Tel. 304-293-6049 volunteer@amizade.org

View the prize-winning Amizade course film

Amizade News

Amizade's Upcoming Winter Break, 2009 Spring and Summer Courses announced. Spend the winter holiday break building Ghana's first library outside the capital, study and service in Jamaica, and more. << details >>

Amizade Course Film Wins National Competition
A film produced by students in Amizade’s summer 2008 Introduction to Social Documentary course won the top prize at the Cinemocracy Film Festival held Aug. 25 in Denver, in conjunction with the Democratic National Students Filming DocumentaryConvention.

"Democracy: A Steady, Loving Confrontation" is a three-minute short film based on the oral histories of former civil rights activists collected in Alabama by seven college students under the direction of Amizade instructor Jen Saffron. A panel of film industry professionals chose the Amizade film from among 10 finalists screened in front of an audience of 4,000. More…

Water systems and women’s rights were the focus of the 2008 Amizade summer course on community development in Tanzania. “We work to support what is already happening, what is already effective on the ground … home water harvesting systems …a large water tank at Eden Center for Appropriate Technology, where local farmers learn improved farming techniques and local women have access to vocational training classes,” writes Eric Harman, Amizade’s executive director. Read his travel blog http://emhartman.travellerspoint.com/

Summer 2009 Global Service-Learning Course opportunities through West Virginia University will be announced by late September 2008.

Reserve 2009 service and learning experiences now. Email volunteer@amizade.org for more information or reservations.


Amizade profiled in new book on "best" travel experiences: Amizade's US programs are highlighted in Immersion Travel USA: The Best and Most Meaningful Volunteering, Living, and Learning Excursions by Sharyl Kane (2009, Countryman Press). The book describes Amizade's service-learning trips to the Navajo Nation (cultural immersion and tutoring), Montana/Yellowstone (historic preservation, habitat restoration), and Washington, DC (homelessness and hunger).


More recent news


Tel. 304-293-6049   volunteer@amizade.org
Amizade is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.      © 2008 Amizade Global Service-Learning and Volunteer Programs        site by WebVaastu